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Everything posted by Yummymedic05

  1. I call them Ambu bags at times....
  2. Connie, I did the same thing on my first GSW call, I didnt' puke, but I was hot, and nervous, and shaking...and come to find out it was a prank call.... :roll:
  3. :oops: I knew all about that, I didn't think it was called circumcision. Tyra Banks actually had that done to her, and got herself all fixed up. Thanks though...
  4. I've talked people into signing off, and i've talked people into not signing off. Depends on the situation, but I've never flat out refused to take someone.
  5. $100,000 wouldn't even be worth it if I didn't like my job. I have to love what I do or I can't do it.
  6. :roll: You're lucky i love you....
  7. BLAH!!!! Horses freak me out!!!! YUCK! I flip out wiht horses as bad as half u flip out about spiders! Im scared of germs (i know i know) and unorganization.
  8. Good God I wish!!! The person below me has been arrested for public nudity......
  9. Never have Never will! I did drive however so a couple of them could...shame on me...
  10. What is your name? SONIA When is your birthday? AUG 15TH Eye color? BRIGHT GREEN Hair color? DARK BROWN What nationality(s) are you? HUNGARIAN Any piercings? NO Any tatoos? ONE AND A COUPLE ON THE WAY You have three wishes, what are they? HMMM TO BE A MD, A REAL MAN (HAHAHA), AND TO MOVE AWAY What sound can you not stand? PPL GAGGING/PUKING Special talents? ITS A SECRET What is the first thing you do when you wake up? BRUSH MY TEETH What is the last song you sang? IN THIS RIVER BY ZACK WYLDES Do you play any instruments? USED TO PLAY SAX....DOES THE LOVE FLUTE COUNT? Do you know any random facts? IM FULL OF USELSS KNOWLEDGE BE HONEST- Do you listen to show tunes? WHEN THE MOOD STRIKES Do you want to go to college? IM ADDICTED TO GOING TO SCHOOL Whats the first thing you do when you get home from work? DEPENDS ON THE DAY Is there anyone you are desperate to meet? HELL YES AND HE KNOWS WHO HE IS Do you dance around your house when nobodys home? I DANCE WHEN PPL ARE HOME Favorite quote? DONT HAVE ONE Main source of exercise? I JOINED A GYM Yay or Nay Diet Pepsi? NO Kids? HAVE ONE BUT WILL SELL HER Bread? YAY Hair cuts? NOOOOOO, ONLY GET MY ENDS TRIMMED Hiking? SURE Black and white photography? YAY VERY SEXY Coffee? YUCKY What C.D.s are in your sterio right now? THE DOORS, PANTERA Guilty pleasures? WAAAAAHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? HECK IF I KNOW, ID RATHER DRINK Speak other languages? SOME SPANISH Favorite song (as of right now)? DONT HAVE ONE Favorite flower? DAISIES OR TULIPS Contacts, glasses, or neither? GLASSES...CRIES I NEVER WEAR THEM THOUGH Hometown? FORT WAYNE, IN Favorite Drink? MMMMM ANYTHING ALCOHOLIC, LOVE TEQUILLA Have you ever been in love? (depending on what your concept of love is) NO, BUT I NEED TO BE SOMEDAY Have you ever been skinny dipping? IS THERE ANY OTHER WAY TO SWIM Assertive or passive? TOTAL AGGRESSIVE Sing in the shower? SOMETIMES Any regrets? NO Do you swear? I DONT THINK I CAN MAKE IT THROUGH A DAY WITHOUT Do you have any pet peeves? TOO MANY, MY TUMMY HURTS JUST THINKING ABOUT LISTING THEM ALL Favourite Ice cream flavor? ICE CREAM MAKES ME WANNA PUKE SO I DONT EAT IT Member of the red light club? I DROVE SO THE 2 I WAS WITH COULD....
  11. Must just be my *sparkling personality* (which really means horrible temper) but I always INSIST my patients are searched if they are suspicious to me...and I get my way. I will argue with anyone over it, its MY safety, its MY CHILD'S mother out there, Im not going down cause I wanted to please anyone!
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