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Everything posted by Vorenus

  1. I`m not over 45, still took the test. And I didn`t get all ALL wrong!! I had RANDOM, too.
  2. Stupid me forgot to include the link to the ACEPs page and I can`t edit anymore, sry. Here it is: http://www.acep.org/content.aspx?id=47466
  3. Exactly, since we are stepping back from the old "O2 can`t hurt"-attitude, SpO2 measuring is even more important.
  4. Happi: "Well the most important thing I can not do in the field is give cardiac drugs and Im pretty sure the faster those are given the better the results. Am I correct on that assusmtion." I`ll have to do a little bit of searching before I can give you the actual study, but when I attended a lecture about the ERC guidelines 2010 (by a very competent and prominent Doctor), part of it was promoting some studies that led to the new guidelines. One of the studies showed, that cardiac drugs have actually a very marginal effect on the outcome of CPR. EDIT: I couldn`t find the actual study (in full wording), but there`s an article about it at the site of the American College of Emergency Physicians In short, there are some higher chances of actually achieving ROSC, but when it comes to a possible hospital discharge the difference between pts. who recieved ACLS drugs and the ones who didn`t shows only an increased chance of 1,3% for the ones who got cardiac drugs. Similiar in neurological outcome - the difference is only 1,7 % (on the upside for the pts. with cardiac drugs).
  5. Breaking Rule #23 is going to get you into real trouble around here...
  6. Vorenus


    Hey Ashley, welcome! Participate and enjoy it.
  7. Yeah, didn`t want to sound like I was stating the different. Just wanted to get down on the point, that we`d have to stand the whole time while doing CPR, without ANY support for balance.
  8. I think you guys have even "better" opportunities to do CPR in the back of a moving vehicle, simply by the architecture of you rigs (you have benches, right). Still, can`t imagine doing a really effective CPR there, either. The only I time I did CPR in the back of the moving ambulance was a Ped arrest (worked at the house for like 50 min, persistent brady at 30, worked in the car, halfway through recieved ROSC with a 140 hr), but you can do Ped CPR effectively while moving in my book, unlike adult CPR.
  9. Thanks both of you. Bernhard, does anyone in your area uses haemostyptca, btw? The only time I heard about the use of haemostyptica in a civilian setting in Germany was somehow connected to Bavaria (think it was a former colleague who did this training there).
  10. LOL! It`s okay, bro.
  11. So, the title tells the most of it. Around here, we don`t use haemostyptica, if`ve stumbled across it lately again, and was wondering in what extent the outcome of haemostyptica would be influenced by a prior medication of anticoagulants by the patient. I`ve been already searching the web a bit, but couldn`t seem to find anything viable. So has anybody experiences with that topic? Maybe some studies to point forward?
  12. Yeah, but in the most cases when it comes to animals, a loss off their social position is also a possible threat to their lifes.
  13. As stated already from CP, this kind of behaviour may seem cruel to us, but to the animal, it`s a survival strategy. May it be for nutirition purposes, the training of the hunt, or the hardening of a position in a social group. There`s a defined sense behind it. Whereas actions taken by humans that we define as cruel, don`t have such an intention behind it (as an act of survival). Hate crimes are propably the best example.
  14. In which other species do you see cruelty?
  15. Although a (fairly) atheistic person, I find the ancient mythology kinda interesting. The thought, that there is an underworld - which is parted into three. The part, where to "good" people get rewarded, the part, where the "bad" people are punished - and the Fields of Asphodel, where the mostmajority is just standing around, the ones that never really made an impact, may it be in the wrong or right direction, the ones who just lived, who just "exist" there, in eternal mediocrity. I like the moral that comes from this explanation of the afterlife.
  16. I dunno, some years back as was watching that HBO series Rome (and got sucked in) - then when I was registering with a forum and as always I couldn`t think of a screen name, I just took one of the main characters name. Kinda kept with it since then.
  17. Can you go any further into those phases of unconsciousness? How was his ecg during them?How long did they take?
  18. Ew, now THAT`s fucking disgusting...
  19. I dunno, I could see the point of your first view, but here I`m a bit lost. Most (heterosexuell) person I know have had multiple sex partners, and I know ALOT of divorced guys and gals. Guess that`s only a guess on your side, or do you have any numbers that`d prove that gay marriages have a higher number of divorces.
  20. Lol. Messed that up - sure it should have been "hiere".
  21. Whetd ty fuckd are yeh tolkin` `bout - cänt se anythyn`wrong hare...
  22. LOL at that. Wasn`t there a guy, suing the owners of the house he broke in (who were on vacation)? He got trapped in their garage for seven days and had to feed on chips and cola? And won?!
  23. Wow - I got myself Skype... seems like I`ve been behind the trend for a few years ;)

  24. Sounds great, gonna get the military-style one then. Thanks, bro.
  25. From Amazon: "Tailored expressly for the military environment, this book diverges in the last 12 chapters to reflect the special considerations of the military." Seems to me like it`s only the last 12 chapters that differ from the "normal" text... Guess I`m gonna take the second one, as there`s everything in it.
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