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Everything posted by Vorenus

  1. So, I want to buy Mosby`s PHTLS. Following my search on Amazon, I`ve found two books, both stating to be the seventh version: 1. http://www.amazon.de/PHTLS-Prehospital-Trauma-Life-Support/dp/0323065023/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1322599874&sr=8-2 2. http://www.amazon.de/PHTLS-Prehospital-Trauma-Life-Support/dp/0323065031/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1322599874&sr=8-1 I figure the second one`s the military version. Anyone can tell me wether it`s totally different to the first civilian one, or wether the military content is just added (it has about 150 pages more, too). Because in that case, I`d rather buy the second one.
  2. I`ve been slacking in that area the last time, mainly because I`m often too tired/too lazy after the amount of shifts I do . I`ve been swimming regularly in the pool, in summer in lakes, I`m really into outdoor swimming (I wanna do Alcatraz - San Francisco one day). At home I do pushups, crunches and do some lifting with personal gear. Otherwise I work out at work on a daily basis .
  3. I once was at a scene where someone was frozen to death. It was in the middle of the woods, he lived in some kind of garden shack. Deepest winter with alot of snow (walk up there was a pain the ass). Us and two LEO`s at the scene, plus the dude who found him. After like 10 mins, that dude throws in: "Oh, and I still haven`t found his dog, a german shepherd - he needs to be somewhere around here...". Officer was afraid of dogs - hilarious look on his face when he heard that. Stading in the middle of the woods, in total darkness, right next to that dead guy - and hearing there`d be a dog strolling around.
  4. Hm... as said, I think you gotta differentiate between a purely emotional purpose, and an emotional purpose that is linked to a physical deficit/need (like seeing, following the seeing-eye-dog example. ). If I had to categorize, I`d take the pat. without the dog on the one side, and the two others on the other (LEO an`granny). Though, I still see a huge difference between the granny and the LEO, since a weapon can only give you the opportunity to use it yourself, it`s nothing more than an extent/maximised version of your personal defense, it can really give you nothing back, where as a pet, that`s a whole different thing, since it operates for itself-. @JPINFV: Does it really matters? If you dress an ape the right way, you`ll get both, but I can`t really see the sense in it...
  5. Getting into some philosophical stuff here - I`m loving it! In my way of thinking - no. I think you gotta differentiate between two sphere`s here. The first, would be the one where you define an item/object/being for it`s use. The second would be to put your findings into the context for the person. So, following that strain of thought, there`d be a difference between Fiona the cat, which is dearly loved by her owner, and Hachiko (name just got into my brain - you gotta watch the movie, which has the same name!) the service animal. While there`s "only" an emotional bond with the first animal, the second is compensating for a physical deficit of it`s owner. The best example would be a seeing-eye-dog. Now, I guess, in the mind of it`s owner, Hachiko would be "linked" to his ability to compensate for his loss of the sense (seeing). So, if you`d take away the dog, it would be like taking away his ability to "see" the outside world (`cause his doing that through his dog in a crude way). So, even if the doggies service isn`t really needed, `cause the pat. is in a safe enviroment, I think he would experience the parting of the animal as a loss of his sense. Example: You`re living on an island - which you don`t need to leave, though it`s reassuring to know there`s a bridge to the mainland if you ever feel the need to get out of there. Even if you don`t need to leave the island, wouldn`t it be bad to know that the bridge got burned down (assuming it`s a wooden bridge). To clarify - I`m only going into the extent of the emotional part, of course, this is no argumentation for any legal responsibility and it`s just guesswork/my thoughts,
  6. Is the celebrity Keira Knightley...? Then whatever... sure!!
  7. Sure, but to be pedantic on my part ( ), if you really go to the meaning of my post, it would only be the same if one of the family was trained to be your full-time "seeing-eye-service" dude.
  8. It`s not really about the whole - "I know what you`re going through, I`ve been there, too, therefore I have THE right answer". Point is, everyone is reacting differently about the same situations. I may be totally cool in a situation, where you`re moved to the core and vice versa. The difference Dwayne is meaning (I guess) is the one between someone scholared in the main principles of counselling and deeper psychiatry, and someone who`s not (regardless wether that person`s a preacher or not).
  9. Actually, that`s a really great thought, that I always had like in the back of my mind, but I couldn`t phrase it out. Even if the dog`s not needed to perform it`s duties in the hospital, the emotional part of taking him away from his owner is a huge part. It`s not only about parting him from his pet (yeah, I know service animals are no pets, I`m just saying this this way to distinguish it from the argument about leaving someone`s cat behind), it`s like parting him from the possibility to act independently. You don`t take away someone`s glasses, only because he doesn`t need them in the hospital. You don`t tell someone - `Dude, you don`t need to walk anyway, so we`ll leave your wooden leg behind`.
  10. Great post dude (sry I constantly had to leave the chat yesterday ). Man, I`m tired, I just edited my post for the third freaking time and I`m sure there are still mistakes in it, which I don`t see right now...
  11. Lol! How did I end up watching videos of people puking on themselves...? What a weird night.
  12. Risk is, that if this is an all-around accepted behaviour at the station, you might get on the wrong side of the bunch and will lose sympathy points. If that matters to you, you`ll either have to take it or leave. If it doesn`t - tell him to step the fuck down and deal with his family matters at his freaking home or at his time off.
  13. Damn just won another 8 hrs of transport beginning tomorrow morning, to my already scheduled 14 hrs night shift startting in three hrs :(

    Read more  
    1. DwayneEMTP


      That was one of my least favorite things..to work a long shift only to find that there would be a long transport waiting at the end...

    2. Vorenus


      finally at home!

    3. Vorenus


      and that were busy hours of transport

  14. Lol. I just love those arguments. `No, that`s not true, I`ve seen it myself`. Those observations have no scientific weight, at all. Kinda like that dude, stating smoking`s not that bad, `cause his grandpa smoked like 65 years and never had a health problem.
  15. 79/100, not bad.
  16. You calling me undereducated?
  17. Totally get your point, Dwayne. It`s more of an emotional issue here (that being said, being not such a heartless bastard as I seem to be, I`d get the doggie on board for the pt. sake as well as the doggies) . But I think you`re right - from a legal point of view, there`s no necessity for the pt. to have the dog in his vincinity in the imminent present.
  18. Since I don`t really know much about your regulations (and I just know that this question will eventually come anyways ): Can you quote or link to the paragraph stating that?
  19. We get this no-appoinment shit alot. Most frequently with alcoholics, who, in the middle of the night, randomly decide it`s time to stop (great thing in the first place, but mostly it`s just a result of a drunken thought-process they don`t give the shit about the next day - or the next hour). They phone the psychiatric department to get a place for rehab - which they don`t without an appointment or a doc`s refferal in the most cases. So they phone us as the fancy taxi. If that doesn`t work (only for the reason of an unappointed refferal without a real emergency), they just say they want to kill themselfs - because then, we need to take them in any case.
  20. Cool tradition, sounds nice. We don`t have anything like that (but most of us are a bit lazy when it comes to cooking at the station anyways ). Most services have a christmas party off-work, though, which is sometimes in Dec.
  21. Vorenus

    Bottom line

    That`s just sick. Cosmetic surgery is by far overused nowadays. There should be some kind of psychological evaluation before giving some random dude/chick a surgery. In my mind, cosmetic/plastic surgery is for pat. who suffered injuries after a traumatic accident - everything else is just money-grabbing.
  22. Just to clarify. There are trained dogs out there for epileptics, who can sense a seizure coming. They bark to let the owner know, so he can safely get on the ground (or off the street) beforehand, as to not suffer any traumatic injuries. In this context, you can of course argue, that he/she won`t need that dog while being cared for in the ambulance and hospital (I get your point Dwayne ). I`d still take the doggie.
  23. If it really is 260 pounds split between two, that is less than you have to carry at a normal working day. If it`s 260 only for her, it`s too much.
  24. As mike said. Plus, for a possible therapy, you`d need more infos then just those two random facts.
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