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Everything posted by EMS1700

  1. welcome...
  2. Matterhorn USAR issued...Have lasted me 11 years just get resoled every 3-4 years...
  3. I used to work down south with some guys who were from Flint and worked for STAT ambulance. They liked it alright and said it was a good job. I think from my conversations with them that STAT was the 911 provider for that county.If that's true then that would mean they provide both non-emergent/emergent transports. Your question being the difference between them and the county, if they (STAT) are the 911 contract then there would be no county service there just a private running the contract. They moved and left the job for the same reason the rest of the guys I worked with from the North...to cold!
  4. Winter storm headed in, thankful to be off a couple of days...

  5. Did some ride along sessions with the FDNY back in the mid 90's. I thought I knew what the ghetto was until then!
  6. I couldn't even make it through reading it. These people like Sandusky are not human and have no reason to breathe the same air that I enjoy. This is why as a father of 4 boys I trust no one...
  7. Thankfully I now find myself in a tiered system on a flycar, so the days of ALS to every BS call are over. Reflecting back to years of hot summer nights in the south on the 4th 12 hour night shift in a row, with nothing but system status management post, followed by the needy citizen calling from the payphone at the quick store across the street from one hospital and req transport to another. This is why all the guys I started with are either RN's, PA's, Doc's take your pic, but have moved on and left me...
  8. This is why I moved to the middle of nowhere. Vote in the guy who wants less govt, which in turn means less taxes and all other BS that goes along with it. I could really care less about what the guys religious views, are as long as he protects the country and leaves me alone. The only guy I can see fitting this description is Ron Paul, although I doubt I'll have him as an option come election day. So then I guess I'll vote for whoever the IAFF is against ...
  9. Cut and paste Whiskey's post...pretty smart soundin' to me
  10. Greetings, Been away from the "city" about 8 years. I joined and enjoyed myself for the few years I was here and then life happened. I'm looking forward to getting back on here and meeting folks as well as of course learning. Little bit about myself, I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world...North Idaho. I have been in EMS for the past 16 years and have worked on the East Coast, Midwest and now the Pacific Northwest. I have worked private, hospital based, county third service as well as fire based EMS. Currently employed by a county run system that is tiered with ILS ambulances and ALS flycars. Definitely different from being on the bus with a partner for so many years but alot of autonomy and a great place to work. Glad to be back in the city and look forward to spending some time cruising around the site!
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