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Everything posted by Ryan272

  1. Better the EMS Program Hi all, i am in the VERY end of my EMT-B program and have to do a presentation on something that can "Better the EMS System. I have a few idea but not enough information to back up my idea. So i was wondering if someone had any ideas that i could look into and do the presentation on, if they would not mind me using that idea. Also if i use your idea i can send you the information on it if you would like me to. All i need is an idea that i can run with and have a good amount of information on. Any ideas can help me so please post something. Some Examples from other Classmates Inducing Hypothermia Survival Rates Broken Heart Syndrome Lightning Strikes Treatment Implanted Electronic Medical Alert Tags My Presentation PowerPoint 5 Minutes I need something i can feel comfortable standing up in front of our Medical Director, EMS Chiefs, and ED Physicians for 5 minutes and I need to know a lot about the particular subject to sell them on the idea Please help any ideas can Thanks -Ryan
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