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Everything posted by co2rescue

  1. Well my dear. Welcome to the funny farm. Lots of hard work little pay. But damn great stories to tell over lunch ... btw. Do them in pulic watch other ppl barf. Pretty cool.
  2. Looks sinus brady with BBB. Rate appears 30 to 40
  3. Wow. Ok tough spot to be in...anytime you get hurt ANYTIME!!! Fill out incident report..to cover your butt. As for the surgery. Been there done done .. get ready for surgery and 3~4 mos off if all goes well. The meniscus is a tough ligament. So when ya tear it. Oh boy. Keep it elevated. DON'T twist the leg to move. Move your foot in direction ya want to go. Use ice. Rehab will be only thing to make it better..it will never be the same. As for help. Ask for it from the kids. Try to keep what ya can dosimple and safe. Try to work with leg up. Try to use elevator at other job..hopefully workers comp will kick in soon. And. Btw expect pain with seasonal changes. ..I know when it will snow or rain before the weather guy opens his mouth....good luck Ps. Noticed I didn't say ask hubby for help.. he's like most men we tend to do ONLY what were asked to do.. remind him about who cooks dinner
  4. Nursing school. More money. Less bs. You can always do medic later
  5. As a new medic and certified FSI. (Fire instructor). I see both merits. I was an EMT 18 yrs before my medic but a fireman14 before I became an instructor.. if you have practical experience and can relate to people.. you can teach anyone anything. But new instructors just because....... I don't think so....BTW I'm also finishing up for my EMS~I
  6. Hmmm. PMH. Meds... any stressors
  7. Welcome to the funny farm...check in date....when ya get your certs.....lol. good luck
  8. Don't give up. As an EMT for 19 yrs. And just getting my paramedic. I know its hard. But you gotta believe that if its worth it to play with all the toys and lights its worth sticking with it.....and you'll always ask yourself....would I have been good at it.... study hard and study in a group...we did that for my medic... lots of food and study buddies...good luck
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