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Everything posted by Michael

  1. ...you can usually find a way to get along together, right?
  2. Michael

    Random Trivia

    Sorta related.
  3. Michael

    Random Trivia

    Quack (quack quack quack quack...) (Click to view this embedded page in a new window)
  4. Michael

    Gift Ideas

    Of course, there is the rare blossom who is as wise as she is kind.
  5. Michael

    Gift Ideas

    Whatever you do, add flowers. Cannot go wrong with flowers. It'll overcompensate for any perceived failure in the gift-giving or any other department. Women love flowers. Did I mention that flowers are a good gift for women? Seems too easy and unoriginal, I know, but when in Rome, get flowers. And they must be cut flowers, nothing potted. It's gotta be mortal; it has to have a temporary life-span, it's gotta be dying. Somehow that implies sacrifice. Don't stop to analyze, it'll get you nowhere. Just give flowers, and if you're in doubt, flowers. Other gifts are great, target her personal tastes, needs, preferences - but flowers as a safety-net. Cut flowers look her face to face, and (I'm convinced) somewhere unconsciously she must believe they have chosen to die personally for her, smiling at her, praising her.* Don't think about it, just do it. With an epi-pen if you suspect allergies, but tastefully disguised as an orchid. Did I mention flowers? They're good too. Go, Tiger! *Edit: You should believe it too.
  6. (Click to view this embedded page in a new window)
  7. Post #5 is safe for your pet mole, too.
  8. Then here ya
  9. Only Chuck Norris gets to speak definitively about "your missing a period." Those of us with lesser powers may not boldly assert, but rather must only cautiously inquire, whether there is any possibility of your being pregnant. Confidential to Ruff: TMI.
  10. Suggestion: When you have a couple of minutes, bring your cursor over the word below, close your eyes, then left-click on your mouse, and sit still while you wait a moment. It won't hurt! .
  11. (Click to view this embedded page in a new window)
  12. I accept full responsibility, having named the thread the way I did.
  13. (Click to view this embedded page in a new window)
  14. From the 9th entry in the Comments section of the webpage above: >Regarding his writing skills, the printed version of the letter in Child's book also includes these words: "Written just as he dictated it."<
  15. (Click to view this embedded page in a new window)
  16. (Click to view this embedded page in a new window)
  17. Population quarantine, otherwise known as Chinese take-out.
  18. (Click to view this embedded page in a new window)
  19. (Click to view this embedded page in a new window)
  20. (Click to view this embedded page in a new window) VIDEO HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUCKXapksow...player_embedded
  21. Quicker still (Rush! It's an emergency!): http://doihavepigflu.com/
  22. (Click to view this embedded page in a new window)
  23. (Click to view this embedded page in a new window)
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