First off, homo- means "same," so homophobic would mean fear of something or someone that is the same [say, gender] rather than fear of homosexuality.
Second, as Dust points out, phobos means "fear" rather than "hatred," which is signified by the prefix "mis-" as in misanthrope, which means one who hates mankind.
Hatred of homosexuality would therefore have to be mis-ANDROKOITES, hatred of having intercourse with a man; mis-ARRENOGAMEO, hatred of those who marry men; mis-ARRENOKOITES, hatred of sodomites; mis-ARRENOMANES, hatred of those who are mad after males; mis-ARRENOMIKTES or mis-ARSENOMIKTES, hatred of sodomites; mis-ARRENOMISIA, hatred of sodomy itself, or mis-ARRENOPIPES, hatred of those who looks lewdly on males.
Take yer pick.