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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Happy MCI-Prevention Week, Glasgow Comma Scale Observation Day, Labored Inspiration Ceremony.
  2. I don't have enough hands to raise. Way to go, nb!
  3. >You agree not to post or transmit any material that may reasonably be interpreted as abusive, slanderous, hateful, threatening, hostile, harassing, demeaning, intolerant, or intentionally offensive to any other member of this forum. This includes sarcastic, backhanded and double entendre comments, as well as any form of name-calling.< So we now know one sitting President who's been slow to join the site. Great story, thank you!
  4. You, and the Apostle Paul: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
  5. "Freedom of the mind requires not only, or not even specially, the absence of legal constraints but the presence of alternative thoughts. The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities." ~ Alan Bloom "When an objection cannot be made formidable, there is some policy in trying to make it frightful; and to substitute the yell and the war-whoop, in the place of reason, argument, and good order." ~ Thomas Paine "If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts. If you have the law on your side, pound the law. If you have neither on your side, pound the table." ~ Advice for lawyers
  6. Wendy, please stop making sense. You're cramping our style!
  7. That's because we've got a case of the blind leading the astygmatic. I was raising my voice in collusion with yours - not collision, collusion. Obscurely to be sure. Let it pass, let it pass.
  8. Buckey, click on the red hyperlink.
  9. Wikipedia: Chauffeur is the French word for driver. It comes from the verb "chauffer" (to heat) and also means "he who heats". In the early years of railroads, the driver had to keep the engine hot, hence the noun. Here's ya uniform, Sport! Sorry, I've been in bed with the flu for a week and am going a little stir-fry.
  10. Kind of difficult to, uh, wrap my mind around the kind of research to which someone might owe a recovery from illness. Well, whatever works.
  11. Well, Rid, you never know what new angle in someone's approach might prompt another reader to rethink some assumption. It can also be interesting just to learn others' struggles. But it's impressive to find with how much confidence, not to say defiance, individuals normally cautious to base their scientific and technical judgments on evidence will blurt out vehement, absolutist declarations dismissing as invalid all variant testimony. This gives theological dispute, not to say philosophy, not to say free speech, a bad name. To those interested in trying others' viewpoints, Augustine's Confessions, Martin Buber's I and Thou, Pascal's Thoughts, Bertrand Russell's Why I am not a Christian, even Hesse's Siddhartha are pretty accessible inquiries. But they're useful only to the extent a reader is able to suspend formed opinions for the duration of the exposure. They can always be picked up again later. Charlie Chan say: Mind like parachute, only function when open.
  12. Which is also true of posting in forums, methinks.
  13. Some dybbuk keeps preventing me from posting the Wikipdeia link to Pascal's Wager here, not because I think it's the way to approach the question, but for historical interest.
  14. Before someone else says it: A veteran would have convinced them that they were in the wrong truck.
  15. "One must not put a loaded rifle on the stage if no one is thinking of firing it." ~ Playwright Anton Chekhov in 1889 Which is to say, the temptation to play with every available toy tends universally to overwhelm itchy fingers. In Ideas Have Consequences, Richard Weaver wrote that the mere development of atomic power made the prospect of its eventual use simply inevitable. Why? "Because we can."
  16. Yikes. I've often wondered who these drivers are. Unsettling to learn. What a tragedy.
  17. So's yer ol' man! (Had to get that in before lockdown.)
  18. ...punctuation, spelling, grammar...
  19. http://www.angelfire.com/mi/roseghost/argument.html
  20. Though of course the reverse may not be the case.
  21. That avatar doesn't present much of a barrier.
  22. >A new psychological study reported by researchers Thomas Baker of York University and Jacqueline Bichsel of Pennsylvania State University compared the cognitive capacities of older and younger adults. Diagreeableness and intelligence are positively correlated in older adults according to the press release describing the findings: >In the cognitively superior older group, who outperformed both the cognitively comparable older adults and the younger adults on every ability tested, "agreeableness was found to have a contrary relationship with general knowledge suggesting that a disagreeable nature may go hand in hand with better vocabulary and knowledge retention in older age," said Baker. This result supports previous research that suggests that those who are highly intelligent may be more aloof and independent. ScienceDaily publishes the complete press release of the study here. ~ from one of my favorite sites.
  23. And mine! Don't forget about mine! Ya think ya get a free pass just because you're on vacation?
  24. Hey Dust - I thought of you immediately when I came across this. Also when I saw this (note what's on the helmet). Stay safe, willya?
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