Unintentional impersonation can be accomplished even without a badge. I used to carry in my pocket a small pad of paper to jot down thoughts as they came to me, so as not to lose them. (Perhaps I was unconsciously preparing for this forum.) I would stop whatever I was doing, wherever I was, and jot, then pocket my pad and go on with life. Once in the city I happened to be wearing a mid-thigh-length navy-blue jacket when I thought of something I wanted to write down, so I stepped out of the pedestrian rush, and, standing at the curbside, started to scribble on my 3x5 pad. I was startled out of my reverie by a man who appeared literally in my face, pleading that I not give him a parking ticket! In my confusion I mistook his ingratiating smile as a sign that he was just playing, so I smiled back and nodded, whereupon, he thanked me profusely and disappeared before I could realize he had really taken me for a cop. We both left his car illegally parked... Two other times I was threatened with violence as a result of this habit of public journaling, by young men who saw me writing and were sure I must have been in some way recording something they were doing wrong, when in fact I hadn't noticed them until they started to curse me out. Funny old world.