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Everything posted by revirDecnalubmA

  1. I just watched the video while sitting here at the station, and even though no one noticed, I was embarrassed to be watching it.
  2. Please be careful about where you volunteer, if you decide to do this. There ARE some volly squads that have their act together, then again there are some that have no clue about patient care, and are immersed in political BS. I do recommend visiting your local EMS council, or your state equivalent, and introducing yourself. While there, you could ask their opinion of which local EMS agencies would be good to volunteer for. Good luck, & be careful of who you associate yourself with!
  3. This would work also. I have no issue with media, or the general uneducated public referring to me as an EMT. I just wish there was a standard, whatever it may be.
  4. Ok, perhaps I should not have referenced that article. "My Bad". When thinking about our profession, what term do you see being used to refer to us, as a whole? The nursing profession has nurses, even though some may be LPN's, LVN's, etc. I even see CNA's referred to as nurses. I do know that some RN's feel slighted when that happens, and they can get over it. Their profession is an established and respected one (usually). Now that I think about it, i do remember a smillar thread, months and months ago.
  5. After doing a 15 minute search throughout EMT City, I could find no recent threads concerning this subject. If I have missed one, please let me know. What are we, in the eyes of everyone but ourselves? If you were to read about an EMS provider in the media, what would you expect to hear us referred to as? EMT's, Paramedics, Emergency Workers, etc? This has been discussed on other EMS forums, such as "EMTLife.com", but I didn't care for the quality of discussion found there. This is not meant as a slight to the few of you EMTCity folks that do frequent that forum. I just prefer EMTCity altogether. Please read this article from JEMS, if you haven't already, and share with us your thoughts & opinions. Personally, I prefer the term "Paramedic" myself, but this is definitly not an opinion shared universally.
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