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Everything posted by Arun

  1. Thanks to everybody who replied. I was involved in such an accident, that's why I asked. Since I'm a new member, my replies are limited. Thanks to anybody who's going to add more insight in the future. Arun
  2. Richard: "An EMS crew, in the ambulance, with no patient, stumbles into a car crash call (unit operating onscene, not otherwise involved), treats, packages, and transports an injury patient from the crash?" Just wanted to know if there is any procedure under such situations. Thanks for the response.
  3. Thanks so much Linuss
  4. Hi: If paramedics find a crashed car on the road and the driver unconscious and took him/her to the hospital to save his/her life without calling 911 or cops. Would they keep any record of where/when they found the patient or anything at all? Any record at the hospital? anything regarding this particular kind of case. Thanks, Arun
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