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Everything posted by andymascall

  1. what a shocking news topic to hear, rob was not only a friends, ( who could forget those dazzling teeth on his webcam) but someone who enhanced my career and life. A truly sad day, the world has lost one of the good guys, RIP dude, Andy
  2. Tweety with an attitude is an understatement - I have seen first hand what she can do - it is merciless!!!! I still have the bootprint to prove it!!
  3. Hi Guys, Thanks for your prompt replies - much appreciated. In answer to Docharris, yes we have an emergency care practitioner scheme here that mainly look after more medical assessment rather than trauma stuff. We also have in our area a critical care program, the advanced care is more of a stepping stone between regular paramedic and critical care. Most of our critical care medics are based on helicopters - the advanced guys would be car based and located in order to be used as a rapid response team used to provide moere advanced interventions to assist the patient. Being car based the car would run 24/7 whereas the chopper guys only fly daylight hours. This is a new concept to the UK and we have been working on this for a while now - we have funding and all the right people "on board" - so we are now working out the educational protocols and then we should be ready for a pilot scheme. As far as current scopes of practice go - www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/med/research/hsri/emergencycare/prehospitalcare/jrcalcstakeholderwebsite/guidelines the above is a link to our guidelines as emt-p. Ian - or anyone else - here is my email addy - andymascall@hotmail.com Thanks again, Andy
  4. Hi Guys, I am currently spending 28 hours a day working on a pilot project for an advanced care paramedic scheme here in the UK. If successful this project will be rolled out across the whole of the UK. I am at the stage now where we are developing the educational side of the scheme and wondered if anyone had any links or advice, info etc that they could let me have to assist me in this venture. The main topics we are looking at currently ; Intra nasal diamorphine for paediatrics. Trans cutaneous pacing Adenosine use for SVT CPAP this list is not exhaustive - so any advanced stuff would be great. I know some of you guys do cpap, pacing and adenosine as a regular paramedic - but this is something we do not do here. Regards Andy
  5. Happy Birthday Terri - I know it is a day or 2 early - but I wanted to be the first to start it this year - lmao :occasion4: :occasion4: :wav: :wav: Andy xx
  6. count me in mate - Andy
  7. Well I wish gas was that cheap here - we are paying over $12 a gallon here and it goes up every week without fail - excuse me - I just want to check the pressure on my bicycle tyres.........................
  8. We routinely have BLS doing 12 leads here, and interpreting if they feel able - it also gives them guidance as to whether they call for paramedic backup or not - we thrombolyse pre hospital also. So I think a positive YES - where indicated - any grade should be doing 12 leads Andy
  9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7065010.stm think that is the link you wanted Terri Andy
  10. I have an idea what else you may have on this guy - I have met his sort before. What the hell - name and shame the loser.
  11. Only a brave man bashes Terri - and anyway she is so disgustingly clinical..................lol And just to add a little - if you want to bash her - you need to go through me .................... be afraid - be very afraid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  12. LMAO - well I thought I had better clean it up a little before I got accused of anything I shouldnt be doing........................... :-$
  13. Following the recent attempted suicide car bomb in Glasgow airport - Visa have released the following advert.............. Can of gas - $10 2 Propane cylinders - $50 A second hand Jeep Cherokee - $5000 Watching two terrorists burn their ass off - PRICELESS!!!
  14. Looks like you have a fetish thing going on for all things penile - LMAO Andy
  15. Looks like you have a fetish thing going on for all things penile - LMAO Andy
  16. Never rub another man's rhubarb - Batman - said by the Joker
  17. KINKS - D'oh Really must learn how to type!!!!!!!
  18. It very much depends on which service you apply to - most now expect you to complete a degree course to become a paramedic in the UK. You can join as an EMT and work towards your paramedic in most services. You may be able to get around the whole degree thing if you do a HPC entrance exam to become a qualified and registered paramedic. www.hpc-uk.org www.jrcalc.org.uk Try these kinks for information Andy
  19. I have actually used both and to be honest - I dont care which I use - each has their own good and bad points - I prefer LP12 because of the twirly button/ knob thingy but I prefer the size of the Zoll. My opinion - I use what they give me to use.
  20. Fancy picking on a guy who only comes once a year.......................
  21. Hell of a way to highlight a training need!!!
  22. Oh Terri :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
  23. ty phil - I learnt from the best - phil's school of sickos..............lol
  24. A young lady got a job at the "tickle me Elmo" factory. On her first day the line came to a halt - with hundreds of "Elmo's" all over the floor. On examination the manager found the new recruit sewing two beads between the legs of one of the dolls. On realising what she had done the manager shouted - "No you silly cow - I said give each one two TEST TICKLES" :roll:
  25. BLIMEY - whats happening - we might actually be close to winning this one..................... Sorry to all you aussies out there but I like to gloat when I can - it dont happen that often..........lol Andy
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