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P_Instructor last won the day on April 27 2017

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About P_Instructor

  • Birthday 05/02/1960

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    Paramedic Instructor/Provider

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  1. Called for elderly female with chest discomfort. Patient was non english speaking grandmother where 8 year old grandson on scene and initiated 911. This little fellow was the best interpreter I have ever had, even against the paid individuals utilized at the hospitals we serve. I had the little guy ride along and he immediately and understandably interpreted and relayed every piece of vital information need to assist his grandmother.....and I am talking medical related terminology. When arrived at cardiac center, the staff was wondering where my interpreter was. I just pointed at the little guy and said 'use him'. They were not impressed and started to go into panic mode to call someone to interpret. I immediately confronted them and stated that this little fellow was the best interpreter I have ever encountered and probably would be the best they would ever encounter. Skepticism was rampant, but after I coaxed further information and questioning where his abilities were shown, the staff shut there traps and were in awe. I lost track of what happened, but I am sure that he is providing real good care to someone now......
  2. Large class this year....all excited which is great.  Let's see if we can get through Pathophysiology and Pharmacology....

  3. I am in the process of developing curriculum for our regional Community Paramedicine program, and I am desperately seeking any imput on potential reference materials that would be of great assistance in my endeavor. Please respond via personal message, or contribute on the thread. Any imput again would be greatly appreciated. P_Instructor
  4. You are correct Bare! I attended one of the scenario workshops in Chicago, and the event was absolutely enlightening! Any instructor that does not go through the workshop and understand the portfolio concept will be giving their students a dis-service. These new students will be picking my butt up one day soon, so they better be ready.
  5. My paramedic class seems to be in a Mobitz II block...................<_<

  6. My bones are creaking......must be I am old.....still on occasionally.
  7. Two days Saturday and Sunday cleaning the garage setting up for rummage, then a glorious 24 hour Labor Day shift. Ahhhhh, it's great to work part time.....
  8. type 2 trigeminal neuralgia?
  9. Think outside the box. I have had 2 cases like this. Work him up to rule out AMI with 12 Lead. My cases were both atypical presenting heart attacks.
  10. Which book are you looking for? Any specific publisher?
  11. From another old fart that started back in '77, welcome.
  12. Heck, diggin around in the attic and found some old glass syringes and the real steel needles.
  13. Emergency Crews Attempt To Rescue Olympic Figure Skater Who Fell Through Ice Sports News in Brief Sports olympics ISSUE 5007 Feb 19, 2014 0 0 0 SOCHI, RUSSIAIn a race against time, local emergency crews reportedly rushed to rescue Italian figure skater Carolina Kostner Tuesday after the Olympian plunged through a hazardous thin patch of ice during her short program at the Iceberg Skating Palace. Unfortunately she skated way out into the middle of the rink where the ice was weak and it collapsed instantly when she landed her triple axel, said rescue worker Ignativ Barkov, adding that Kostner ignored the sounds of cracking ice while performing an otherwise flawless step sequence and combination spin. We have to act fast or shell succumb to hypothermia. Granted, a world-class athlete like Kostner can withstand the initial shock for a few minutes, but her thin, sparkly leotard will do little to protect her from the deep and frigid water below the ice. At press time, crews were attempting another dive after initial efforts had only managed to recover a sequined headband and several loose rhinestones
  14. Paramedics to be trained to harvest donated organs on scene Posted by: RJ Beam in EMS News 21 hours ago 0 Provisions in Obamacare will make getting approved for an organ transplant much easier. Unfortunately the supply of organs is still very low, meaning the chances of getting a transplant are still unlikely. Much the difficulty in obtaining organs comes from a delay in the ability to harvest. So in an effort to get more organs harvested, Paramedics will be trained to accomplish the task, on scene. <img src="http://cdn.1starriving.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2014/01/organ_trasplant-300x180.jpg" alt="organ transplant" width="300" height="180" class="size-medium wp-image-2640" /> Soon Paramedics will be helping harvest organs for transplant. Doctor Wellington Yueh a former paramedic turned heart surgeon is spearheading this program. NREMT has already pledged their support. The AMA is reviewing the idea and seems likely to approve because the organ donors are dead. Dr. Yueh had this to say about the new initiative. “We see many instances of Paramedics being on scene where a person is obviously deceased. But because police and the coroner have reams of paperwork to complete the body sits in the scene for hours. By that time none of the organs are viable for harvest anymore. This new protocol will get transplant surgeons the needed organs, yet still keep the bodies on scene for the cops.” In addition to special training, paramedics will also need some new equipment for organ harvesting. An extremely sterile kit will be added to ambulances staffed by organ harvesters. The kit will include a number of surgical scalpels, saws, bone cutters and clamps. In addition the ambulances will be outfitted with a chilled storage box. Professor Paul Atreides Criminal Justice department chair at the University of Duncan, Idaho is apposed to this idea. “There is no way we can let these ambulance drivers cut open people at a scene like that. Anytime someone dies outside of a hospital setting the police need to do a complete investigation. I realize the idea here is to save lives. But the cost is too high. How many criminals will get away with murder because some medic screws up a crime scene doing surgery on a dead guy?” Margot Fenring the Dean of EMS at the Ben Gesserit College sees this as a great opportunity. “We have some very well trained paramedics that can do many of the life saving skills any ER doctor can. Keep in mind our paramedics do medical procedures in a space 1/8 the size of an ER that is traveling at 50MPH. With that level of skill they can easily recover human organs from the dead. Obviously I do have some bias as my staff is currently developing classes to teach these skills. But the key point is that this will save lives. Viable organs were going without harvesting due to bureaucratic red tape. Now those organs will be collected and transplanted into people who will get to live.” No word on when the program will be implemented. Rumor has it that limited markets will be tested during 2014. If results are positive by early 2015 paramedics should be in the organ harvesting business.
  15. Watching a new medic worry more about the stupidvisor calling them on their cell phone when he knows the crew is on a stemi call, and not paying attention to the patient.
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