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Everything posted by SSaint

  1. Yes. It did. That was pretty good actually.
  2. I see one problem: Our sue-happy 21st century culture. See. here in beautiiful New York State, I am covered by Good Samaritan laws... until I identify myself as a professional rescuer. Than that nice little security blanket goes out the window. I know this list wasn't designed with medical emergencies in mind, but that's what it potentially could be used for.
  3. Dust, I'm kinda envious. That is truly badass. It's better than a friend of mine's kit. He's a Navy corpsman, serving with FMF.
  4. SSaint

    3 Word Story

    which is smelly
  5. SSaint

    3 Word Story

    the hospital worker
  6. SSaint

    3 Word Story

    to fly like
  7. SSaint

    3 Word Story

    that the mice
  8. SSaint

    3 Word Story

    with, or they
  9. SSaint

    3 Word Story

    in covering up.
  10. SSaint

    3 Word Story

    that tasted like
  11. SSaint

    3 Word Story

    exciting than a
  12. Oh, I strive for a higher plateau GA. You're just trolling to get reponses, and people pissed off at you. Well, guess what? You ain't gettin' any more than this from me.
  13. GA, Take my advice... *climbs up on soapbox* Stop trolling. EMS is hardly a perfect profession. This is hardly a perfect world. Get over it. Here's the "15 rules of EMS" as my basic instructor taught them: Would it be nice if everything we did was sanitary? Yes. Will it ever be? Probably not. We work in the field, GA. We can't control everything - see rule 15.
  14. SSaint

    3 Word Story

    the child's pet
  15. It was JUST as professional of you to write that the "silence is deafeaning". That's trolling, to keep a debate going. Why not let it die of natural causes, instead of beating a dead horse? Why not agree to disagree, like Dust and I have on education level requirements?
  16. Actually, I'm starting school in the fall, dual associates in paramedicine, and nursing. But that's off-topic...
  17. People do NOT watch enough television these days! What hospital was this at JAFO? I'm from the Albany area.
  18. I have one thing to say to that: :wav: =D> :thumbright: =D> :thumbright: =D> :thumbright: =D> :thumbright: =D>:thumbright: :wav: And whit, that's not meant as personal: I just feel that if a pt is going to be searched, it should be by a LEO. It cover's everyone's butts well.
  19. The other night I had a fairly violent pt myself. 29 yo male pt, hx of pych disturbance (bi polar), no meds, in a fender bender. The woman he hit panicked and called 911 for a few scratches on her bumper. We roll up to find this guy all kinds of pissed off. A LEO arrived on-scene and calmed him so we could examine him. It's against protocols for us to restrain, unless a LEO does it. But we get inventive, especiallyif they MAY get combative. We ended up finding a reason to backboard this guy
  20. Oooooh... ouch. All I'm going to say is this: Let's NOT go there! I don't think we'll ever see eye-to-eye on that issue.
  21. We do much the same as Dust does.. except minus the sand ;-)
  22. I was an EMS explorer with my department. The "hands off" rule was bent a few times after I got my CFR cert. I was allowed to take vitals, and there were a few times I ended up assisting with CPR, cric pressure, etc.
  23. SSaint

    3 Word Story

    bit of water
  24. SSaint

    3 Word Story

    could kill them.
  25. Oh, I'm not saying my municipal service doesnt bill. We bill at just a hair above cost, to pay the professional portion of our staff, and other expenses (insurance, etc) I've heard of agencies that bill as much as $1,000 if a 'medic even RESPONDS to a call. That's just for showing up. Let's not even get into the expenses behind procedures, and transport mileage.
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