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Everything posted by brentoli

  1. IDHS is the parent orginization for these comissions and boards: Boilers & Pressure Vessels Counter-Terrorism and Security Council EMS Commission Firefighting Personnel Standards & Education Fire Prevention & Building Safety Commission / Code Services Higher Education Advisory Board Homeland Security Foundation Indiana Emergency Response Commission Regulated Amusement Device Safety Board Search & Rescue Training Advisory Committee Also the State Fire Marshal, and I am sure several other agencies are represented by this office. IDHS
  2. She wrote this down about 5 years ago... just kept forgetting where she left the list at.
  3. Damn! Those are some balsy supervisors. How does stuff like that go over with the crews? Do you have good relations?
  4. I got burnt one time. The check log said the truck was OK. Hadn't turned a wheel the shift prior. Got on a run and there was something missing. Guess who's ass got handed to them?
  5. Medical helicopters crashing in my neighborhood wasn't an issue since the Ice Age. Extremeists bombing police funerals wasn't an issue since the Middle Ages. The burning sensation when I pee wasn't an issue for 25 yea... wait.
  6. Those are worthless, any bum on the street knows what you are doing after 30seconds of fumbling behind the grill.
  7. So do you check your box out from a pharmacy at the beginning of the day? Not just hand off from the last crew?
  8. Paramedics Investigated After Boy Handed Emergency Radio I can see where this would cause some un-needed confusion with dispatch and other people listening. Would you do the same thing? Would the 11 year old even be in the front with you?
  9. Expired Drugs Found on Ambulance Shoddy reporting. However. What procedures does your service have to prevent this? I know there is a large disparity in record keeping from service to service. edit to fix quote tags
  10. Get remote entry with several fobs. You and your partner both clip one to you at the start of the shift. The fob only comes off if it catches on fire. Then theres no reason not to lock doors.
  11. I haven't seen one episode of this show. I felt like giving you a - for denying AK some action though.
  12. You're one person. Until backup arrives you can only do what you can do. The major MCI potential is everywhere. Do you have a school? Do jets fly over head? Interstates? Personally, I think being the very first person on scene would be the best position, you will have to take the time to size up everything and do your physical/mental 360* of the scene. Yeah thats fire-monkey talk, but if you are going to corridnate the MCI response you need to know what you are getting your people into. We don't train nearly enough for MCI's and the training we do for the most part is lackluster. How many of you have been on an MCI with 35 high school drama students presenting on the ground in nice clumps with uniform injuries?
  13. Can someone with Web Development/PHP/MySQL experience get ahold of me off-line or though PM? I need some assistance working out a program for a website. Thanks!
  14. I don't quite understand how telling a 20 year old kid that theres much more to starting an air-evac service than just getting a helicopter and a couple of radios. Sometimes people need reality checks. Dream big? Sure! I dream big all the time. I have thought up enough plans to start an ALS service for my area I could probably fill a 3" binder with the proposal. The problem comes in 2 forms: First, getting the funding, people, and equipment to start the service. Second, and argueably the hardest of the two, convincing people the status quo isn't good enough. Convincing fire chiefs, ambulance chiefs, the public, politicians. If you will check this post: You will see there is a well thought out answer to his problems. Also there are several other posts here that are offering a solution and answers to the question. Is one or two out of line? Maybe. But I don't see how you can sit here and defend an obvious whackerish question. This question came from someone whose only contributions to this forum are asking 1) How to install a radio in his truck 2) How to install grill lights in his truck I am sorry, but with a history like that, and 5 posts to his name, of course a post like that will be called out for the wackerness.
  15. I don't even know if $30 million in capital would handle your start up. Theres a good reason that most medical helicopter services are either branches of a larger transportation group (i.e. PHI Air Med) or a division of a hospital. Do you really need Air Med in your area? Do you have documented problems with it? Here is my suggestion to you. Go back 5 years and find documentation showing a need for Air Med Get all the other jurisdictions in your area to do the same Schedule meetings with the service rep for all of the Air Med companies that service NY Show them the documentation you have in an easy to understand no-nonsense manner. These people don't want to waste their time with hill-jacks saying "Heliocopters are cool, man!" Sit back and see what happens.
  16. Bell 407's For Sale Theres some pretty paint jobs.
  17. Is this serious? Honestly? Not trying to be a jack ass. Do either of you have any sort of aviation experience at all? You don't just stick your motorola radio ontop of the helicopter dash and say you are good like you do on a F-150. There are companies that deal exclusivly in providing for public safety aviation. Assuming you are serious in starting this buisness your better bet would be to court the companies, get contacts with sales reps, and then research the materials to find out what you will need.
  18. I think one of two things will happen A) Pay will become worse, supplies will becomre more scarce, and response times will get longer. The economy will catch up with EMS and we will start seeing job reductions. Medicare is dropping and will continue to drop reimbursment rates. Costs are rising, EMS providers will now have to provide insurance if they didn't before. Supply costs are rising. Fuel is rising. Whats supposed to happen?
  19. I didn't notice that. I think I have trained my mind to pass over spin phrases.
  20. Its truly sad that we are having these discussions. I brought up the self defense thread due to a senario that happened near by. I am declining to discucss it right now due to the freshness of it and not knowing all the details. Here is an interesting article on Slate today about doctors in a practice and ER doctors being subject to violence: When Paitents Attack!
  21. I'm surprised no one picked up on this. You realize that wearing a vest only when you think you might need it, is akin to wearing your seatbelt only when you think there might be a crash.
  22. I agree with you Dust, but from research I know that reputable training companies will send legal defense / expert witnesses for your defense assuming you have kept current on CE and followed your training. When you go the self-sought/agency made up method you are less likely to have that legal defense. Neither one of us are lawyers and this should not be taken as expert legal advice. I wanted to make the distinction between professional training, from a training company or certified instructors in the medical field, and training you have sought out on your own away from EMS. Those that take on martial arts as a sport/hobby or the women that take self defense classes that police departments sponsor, that type of thing.
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