Unless you want to live in a city with a full-time SWAT team, which are few and far between, you will have to get ON a SWAT team to become a SWAT medic. Hillbilly podunk town isn't going to pay you 40 hours a week on their payroll for the 2 calls and 12 trainings a year. Here is your path to become a SWAT medic.
[*]Become edumacated on topics besides emergency care (If you read the story, many SWAT medics/docs are these guys trainers, family doctor, confidant, ect) (Life time)
[*]Get a Bachelors Degree (2 - 4 years)
[*]Go through the Acadamey (6 months)
[*]Get hired by the department (6 months-1 year)
[*]Go through department training (6 months - 1 year)
[*]Put in your time (1 - 3 years)
[*]Get on SWAT team (1 - 5 years of trying out)
[*]Put in your time (1 - 5 years)
[*]Become SWAT Medic
I'm not trying to discourage you, but you have to realize, you don't just wake up on Monday and say I will be a SWAT Medic, and have the job on Friday.