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Everything posted by brentoli

  1. Eh, just be cool theres nothing else really to worry about. Don't be annoying, don't try to fit in with them. If you work with the same companies over and over they will get used to ya. Theres nothing to worry about.
  2. Can you clarify refrence the heli-pad for me? I am confused. Does that mean we can not call a helicopter to meet us at the hospital pad, with out the pt going through the ED first?
  3. We are a volly service. As such we cant be AS picky as other places. But we have a good training program in place. There are three phases you have to complete before you can get behind the wheel. First you have to ride in the front and in the back a certian number of times. Not only to get you oriented to the ambulance, but you also get an idea of operations and how to be an effective crew member even if you are just a first responder or FF. Second you have to do an amount of rides in a non-emergent non-paitent status. To show you can drive the ambulance and are comfortable with it. All of these have paperwork documenting them as well. Third, you drive full calls, with a trainer next to you. Once you have done a certian amount of those, and everyone you have driven feels comfortable with you then you are released. Unless I get my hands on you, then you are put through the driving school of Brent, where someone gets in the front, drives like a jackass and I make you do compressions, bag a dummy, and other skills in the back, and lay on the cot. Then you know why NOT to drive like a jackass.
  4. Something about that... just seems... too... convenient. While I am not against CCW, the type of statistics above, seem like someone sat down and pulled some numbers out of their head. And unfortunately these are the stats that become "prime" in a debate.
  5. The only thing we take is the occasional pillow. Being a volly BLS service with 2 - 3 runs a day, we keep enough supplies on our truck to take 2 or 3 runs back to back. One hospital the next county over, which we dont go to very much, makes ambulance packs. Shrink wrapped blankets, towels, pillow case, and I forget what else is in there. Very handy though.
  6. I would get one of the little "Jr. Firefighter" badges off one of the fire trucks. Thats about how much your "EMT" badge will mean to the general public. About the only thing it is good for is.... *thinks* Yeah, I can't think of one time its ever been needed.
  7. Im a newbie around here. And have only been doing this around a year, I know my experience, the pt's who have prayed while in the ambulance with me are usually the older ladies that love to hold on to your hand as well. I have no problem with holding their hands and I have no problem with joining them spiritually in the prayer. I am a Christian and I know that there is alot of power beyond what we have to offer. I don't think it is right to straight up ask if they want to pray with me or not. I always try to remember my pt's because I know there was a reason I happened to be their EMT that day.
  8. Think about this... Sorry to bring back a dead post but everythin in there minus the draft... is happening right now.
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