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Everything posted by FireMedic65

  1. well... who said they get the same treatment as everyone else? tiny cell that they are confined to for 23/hrs a day. the other 2 they are allowed to walk down a highly secured hallway. they are fed ramen noodles and bread. showering is done via sprinkler system in the cells.
  2. Fully agree there with that mode of thinking ch. The other day, I drove to a location about 2hrs away. I saw a few people pulled over to the side of the road, but not apparent sign of accident. I kept on driving. A few people with flat tires and the driver/family sitting on the side of the road waiting for someone to come. If they would have been in an accident, I would have stopped probably, since no one else seemed to care. Not even slowing down or moving to the side further for their safety. Yes, this does contradict my previous statement of being safe, but we are never fully safe. Anywhooo, I will still stop at an accident if conditions are favorable. My safety is more important. I do have a vest in my vehicle, flairs, and basic first aid supplies such as bandages. I also always carry gloves with me. I keep my old EMS helmet in the vehicle too. Not the ideal gear, but it will do justice until an ambulance arrives. I could not on good conscious just drive by while someone could be hurt/sick when I am a trained provider that can at the very least dial 911 and hold a bandage on a bleeding victims wound. As I do not have a radio to call dispatch for assistance, I do carry a cell phone. Two of them actually. One is my personal phone, and I keep another fully charged and turned off with a minimal amount of prepaid minutes of it. Sometimes a victim doesn't even have a phone to call for help, or can't call for help.
  3. Why give them the easy way out? Toss them in a cell and throw away the key.
  4. I want to break out my unicycle now
  5. even the points of extreme terror can be really boring. sure, a severe asthmatic the was stung by a bee might scare the crap out of us.. but to your average joe... still quite boring. Unless there are explosions and people being shot... ems is boring to people on tv can I be in your movie?
  6. because it is supposed to be entertainment. making a movie about what really happens everyday on the ambulance would be a boring movie
  7. It came out about the same time as "Bringing out the Dead". Since this movie was not a hollywood movie, it did not receive as much attention. Same type of movie though, medics with extreme burnout.
  8. You also need a copy of "Broken Vessels"
  9. Seen this on science channel a long time ago, looks pretty neat. I would try it.
  10. Yes, fantastic movie. It is a little difficult for people outside of the "biz" to understand, but most people I know who are not in ems/fire also enjoyed it. The movie did no do well in the box office because it wasn't your typical hollywood blow it all up kind of movie.
  11. Came across this video last night and I nearly wet myself. "BP Spills Coffee." Youtube.com. Web. 11 Jun 2010. citations to avoid being sued
  12. You're right. The scenario doesn't make much sense to me at all either. I am sure there are some idiots out there that would do CPR on a patient with pulses/BP and trust the monitor... but I would surprised that a gaggle of people would do the same. Something about the scenario at hand does not make sense. Croakers explanation would make sense to a point, but not completely with how this patient was presented. I would like to hear more.. and the outcome of the patient. What happened to them to why they are like this.. was it out of know where, some sort of accident, heart attack, choking? I am not fully understanding how all of these could explain one outcome. I would assume something else happened on top of some sort of VAD device.
  13. The OP stated that the hospital "continued to work him" and each time they stopped, they would go to pronounce him. Unless I read that wrong and everyone else who replied all assumed the same thing... they were doing CPR... I am sorry if i misread
  14. heck, youtube GIVES you a link to embed it onto another website. As so many other webpages. If you copy/page an article from another webpage, be it a newspaper, magazine or even a nobody forum poster like myself, you must give them credit for it. As far as I know, you cannot copyright news, but the actual article stating the news might be. From now on.. I will be citing all my sources some info explained here don't sue me!
  15. You can own an MRI machine if you so wish, and can afford. You can own equipment to do all sorts of surgery (minus drugs of course unless you have a script). The problem lies in when you go from "souvenir" to practical use.
  16. There was a gentleman in my old coverage area that has this problem. It is a real thing. I can't remember the name of the device, but what croaked explained was the same explanation we were given. The guy actually came to the station to with a bunch of info on it. A week or so later, we had to go see this guy for a cardiac arrest. He had a medical ID bracelet, necklace and family members telling you about the device. Also, the scar on his chest made us more aware of some sort of cardiac surgery. Although he did no present the same way as the OPs scenario, most likely would have presented similarly. We got on scene and he was semi-fowler saying he felt better. The monitor was sinus with escape beats. If the OPs scenario was a real one... shame on everyone that treated this poor fellow. Why everyone would do CPR on a person that has a pulse and BP... is beyond me
  17. hey that's what I said.. somewhere else... I am suing you!
  18. If you look on the top right of the CL post, there is a box where you can "flag" the ad. It should say something like spam, categorized wrong, or prohibited. I flagged it already because, well... it is illegal to sell something like that. Everyone else should flag it too.
  19. I started a thread like this not too long ago. A few people replied with good recommendations. I will re-post my recent readings that I enjoyed Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Andromeda Strain Heart of Darkness
  20. tniuqs, how about you reply to the topic at hand, not run me down on my opinions
  21. Perhaps some may see this is a a bad thing. I however, do not. The tragic events that happened on 9/11 should not reflect on those terrorist's religion as a whole. Yes, they were Muslim but not all Muslims are terrorists. We as a country need to be more tolerant of others. Just because they are different in any way, some people have to dislike them. There is a Mosque being built near Ground Zero... I think this is good. It shows the world we ARE tolerant and welcome the faith of others. Even in the shadows of one of the worst events that has happened to our country, it shows everyone we are tolerant. Remember folks, just because the spot is a dog, and spot has four legs.. doesn't mean all dogs have four legs.
  22. Welcome to the city. Don't hold back to fear of pissing anyone off. Some of us actually appreciate a difference in opinion rather than jumping on someone else's bandwagon.
  23. I got into EMS to help the sick and injured. Depending on the situation at hand, such as location, traffic, time of day, etc etc... I would stop. I could not just drive by an accident where a person could be hurt. Rubberneckers will rubberneck regardless if you are in a POV or ambulance. Police won't even block off traffic, at least not here they won't. So it is my opinion you aren't in much more danger. Personally, I would stop. Call 911 and give them my findings. I would do what I can in the safest way possible to my own safety. Most of the roadways here have shoulders or a good amount of space off the road. I am trained to remove a person from a car if need be. I don't need an ambulance to do that. That is basic first aid. I keep basic first aid supplies in my vehicle to stop bleeding and such like that. I also carry road flares. It is not illegal for me to stop and help. I will do what I can... it is why I got into EMS.
  24. A little bit of poor taste in asking the police officer to leave. But, it was well within the rights of the manager. Just seems odd to ask someone like them to leave. Personally, if I worked in an establishment like that, I would welcome police officers. I would welcome them not because of how I feel about them but for the sole reason they are a cop. Seeing a police officer in public would generally make me feel safer. and for the OP, premium members are allowed to change their alias. Since you are not a premium member and no longer a mrs, you would have to contact the admin and ask him for a special exemption due to personal circumstances.
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