There has been A LOT of this going around lately. Either it being through e-mail or various instant messaging programs. For those of you who do not know, it is called "phising". No, not the hippie band. It is fraud. Someone tries to gain access to your e-mail or whatever through various methods. Most common method is you will get an e-mail that seemingly looks innocent. It will look like it is from your e-mail provider. Saying something a long the lines of security upgrades, needing to change your password. It will link you to a site, that looks just like whatever site you use for e-mail and instruct you to put in your current e-mail/password to verify, then enter a new one. WHAMO!! Now they got your e-mail and password. Also, same thing they will do is say someone did something on facebook/myspace/friendster/random webpage. Links you to the site, and says enter username/password.
Be VERY careful of this. It is easy to overlook things that look like they should. If you ever get something asking to fix your password right after you click a link, chances are its fraud. Look at the link carefully. Also, e-mail providers and places like facebook, will NEVER ask you for your password.
Hope this helps further attempts being made to members here.