1. Cops can be lazy. They don't want to deal with such things. If they are't under arrest, they don't bother. If the patient is violent, you can request a cop come with you, but likely won't happen. There are often special services that will come and pick up the patients, but it is usually some poor sap that works for a company that deals with screwed up kids. They come in a car, usually their POV.
2. Yes, and yes. Refer to above.
3. Where I work, yes. I have every right to refuse a transport. If the patient is uncontrollable, I will not transport without sedation. And I can't transport a sedated patient in most cases due to protocols/standing orders. I would need an RN to tag along, and they won't do that for a number of reasons.
Also, many ambulances companies have contracts with these facilities, where you cannot refuse the transport. It sucks. I pray for a 911 call.
4. Usually, don't have a choice because of contracts with the facilities. Sedating a patient and restraining them will vary depending on what area you live in. Again, it sucks. These crazies I'd like to vec and vent. (can't transport a patient with vecuronium on board)
5. No idea, I should look into it. As should everyone else.
6. Same as above. Knowing the law always helps when you want to change it
7. Depends on the situation. Generally speaking though, no. I will inform the driver to stop the vehicle ASAP though. Contact PD and hopefully they will do their job. As a side note though, I can tie a damn good knot, and I would be impressed to see someone escape from them.