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Everything posted by FireMedic65

  1. there have been a few pics floating around but they were fakes. I smell a giant pile of this never happened from the military/government. provide a body. but they can't because they disposed of it right away.
  2. I disagree, there should be a shrine/memorial for Bin Laden.. it should be a public toilet at concert.
  3. send me a pm dust

  4. If all this hype is even true.. which I doubt it is, it means pretty much nothing. Great, closure on the bastard that orchestrated 9/11. But I am sorry.. it doesn't mean anything else. Terrorism is still a huge threat. Someone else will take his place and most likely make a name for himself very promptly by doing something harsh. Yes, I am glad one less terrorist is dead (possibly). I am, however, afraid of whom is going to take his place and what they will do in retaliation or what crazy act they will commit to show their dominance. Be safe out there troops.. be safe. edit: don't get me wrong.. I appreciate everything our troops are doing and this by no means is me trying to put them down for their efforts. also, I want proof.. not "your word" k thanks
  5. technology is good.. but all these medical apps take away from actually having to learn the stuff. I feel these are BAD for students unless they have the text from books in them and are used to study from. using apps and such on calls for info on how to do things would be bad/useless way of learning.
  6. Great! I would love to go but that's finals week Maybe next year!
  7. Should I install the Arabic language pack for Rosetta Stone?
  8. Anyone of those "other" jobs as a medic won't be your primary function. They will be part of your role in what you are doing. You will never lots more training. You will probably need other training before hand to even get to the training you want to get trained on. You will not get hired out of medic school to be on swat team as a medic. You won't get hired out of medic school to work with the secret service, FBI, CIA, anything else. Your options are, working on an ambulance or in an ER as an ER tech. Further training and education are required for anything else.
  9. I don't blame you
  10. I think they made 4
  11. I can see my department doing that.. there isn't enough O2 or nitro to go around also, check out "NY Drill Teams" and firefighter challenge
  12. I am going to sue every company out there that makes pens, pencils, crayons, markers and any other writing implement. They are all racist against left handed people!
  13. Small rural hospitals are often understaffed, but this is for good reason. Why pay 4 nurses in the ER when you have maybe 8 patients ALL night. Sure, it could get busy, but you have to suck it up. Nurses in level 1 trauma centres do it all the time. Having more staff doesn't change the fact that there is just no room. Bringing a patient into the ER from the waiting room and having them lay on an extra bed in the hallway pretty much solves nothing. As for having doctors pulling 2x duty, this does happen but not in instances where the ER doc has to go perform surgery. What happens if he is in there removing a gallbladder and a shooting victim comes into the ER? Now what? It just won't work out. Transfer the patient to a hospital with OR capabilities. Better yet, the EMS crew bringing them in should know better and take them to the appropriate hospital to begin with.
  14. Sounds like he was an amazing friend. If only more people were like him with compassion for the profession and knowledge to teach it. Very sorry to hear about his passing but it surly sounds like you are celebrating his life, as it should be done Farewell brother, RIP Aaron
  15. I have a helmet cam with a live broadcast to justin.tv
  16. I once skipped over a picture of a black chick on a porn site because she was ugly. Does that make it a hate crime? Sources? If I recall, Alexander the Great was bisexual. If he was bisexual, then how could he be so great according to your logic?
  17. ak is 100% correct feel free to read through http://www.pwwemslaw.com/content.aspx?id=21
  18. Yes, of course it does. I HAVE been in these situations. If they are in he waiting room, they are NOT in care of any higher level of care. If I am called to help, I will help. If the patient is in the waiting room with chest pains they are not being scene is gross negligence of the ER. Regardless of how you feel the importance of a persons emergency is, it IS one to them. Our job is to help them when they are in need. If I am asked to go to the ER for a patient I will go. Would I take them to another hospital for care? Well, that depends.
  19. If I go to the ER with an emergency and I am not being scene, I will make sure I get care I need by whatever means possible, even if that is calling for an ambulance. I do not care if I am in a hospital. I am sitting there not being taken care of. I will call someone who will take care of me.
  20. This has actually happened to me. The wait in the ER was really long and apparently triage didn't mean anything. A 3yr old with a head wound was waiting an hour to be scene. And I mean the kid was bleeding a lot. The mother called 911 to come help. An emergency is an emergency right? Doesn't really matter where it is at.
  21. no names were given or any personal information. just that CPR was given and condolences. while this is NOT a "Hipaa" violation it is in bad taste and not very professional.
  22. how about a crna?
  23. aw my picture disappeared
  24. So say something to the class coordinator. Go with a few other students and present your case that you feel you aren't learning anything from this person and that you feel he is doing a bad job. If you tell them that this person is doing what they are doing it should be met with concern and handled appropriately, especially the sexual harassment.
  25. Not really a big fan of Jim Carey. SOME of his movies are alright, but mostly it is just him being a complete jackass and using the same gestures in all his films. Only thing that changes is his script... annnnyway, is this troll finally shutting up or what?
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