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Everything posted by FireMedic65

  1. Of course a counselor will tell you to take all those other classes, they are employed by the college and most likely instructed to push classes on students. But it's not a bad thing. Take the classes. That being said, having a pysch, math, English, world history, etc etc will not necessarily make you a better EMT, but in my honest opinion, they will. Psychology will teach you how to understand people and their feelings/actions better. That will help you better treat them. Math is a no brainer since math is a big part of medications, you would not want to make mistakes there. English is always good since we speak it. The smarter and more professional you talk, the better a patient will trust you. The only person you have to listen to, is yourself. If you want to be an EMT, go be an EMT. No one can tell you what you should do with your life. My advice is, do what you want. Learn as much as you can even if it "isn't in the field".
  2. Plenty of people have stuff like that and then some. Only difference is that they have them legally. So what.
  3. Year total so far... 5,523,624
  4. Lots of posts all over the forums on this. Just study your material. Be well prepared, know the stations and what you have to do to pass them. Eat well so you stay alert and focused.. all that fun stuff.
  5. I want a slinky, etch a sketch, gi joes, star wars figures, creepy crawlers oven thing, NES with lots of games and accessories, hula hoop, real doll, pogo stick, game boy, red ryder bb gun, ez bake oven.. uhhh I dunno
  6. Happy Bday
  7. There was already a thread about this.. but whatever It's pretty cool. I have played with them on manikins. btw.. did you know they named a street after you?
  8. There are TONS of web-pages with visuals. Some of them are very graphic. http://www.trauma.org if it is still around, was great. Had pictures of injuries, x-rays, CT scans... and explained what you were looking at usually and often how the injury happened. Also, as simple as it sounds, http://www.images.google.com and type in what injury you are looking for. As for instruction, I would suggest you cover various injuries, more so on ones you DON'T see often. Show images of them, and practice dealing with them based on what they are looking at. Walking into a station and having the student ask "what am I looking at for an injury" is.. old. Let's use our technology and show them pictures. good luck
  9. You made a typo Terri. It should be 4 thumbs, not 3.
  10. Apparently, he also travels by boat.
  11. I once drank 5 gallons of milk in an hour.
  12. looks like he is sitting on it
  13. It sure is a shame that some people are like this. I don't know what this guys story is. Maybe he had legitimate glandular problems. Maybe he is a fast food junkie. Regardless, he is human and maybe a really nice guy. Everyone should be treated equally. If is fair for the person next to them? Probably not. Is it fair for him? No, it's not fair for him either. Sorry, live isn't fair. Maybe next time I fly I will complain about all the people around me. He is too black, she is too Asian, the kid is too Jewish. It's the same thing people! No matter what his size is, it's the same thing! seriously? a negative for giving advice to the OP on posting the image in question after he made the statement of it not posting? you people have issues
  14. Wow, talk about bringing up an old thread! But, I do like to see this. Someone actually using the search button. Like others have said, it really depends on where you are going. If you are a paramedic, with or without a degree, that might matter in some places. One country may require it, another may not. Different provinces or states within that country may require different things too. I suggest, getting all the certifications you may think you need, and get a few more. Compile them all together on a, I don't know.. a resume maybe. Contact the agency that over sees EMS in given country, and talk to them.
  15. try using bbcode, not html also, hope it's not a meal flight...
  16. This has potential to be a great idea. But don't discourage such shows as you had mentioned. Of course, they are not perfect, but they each offer good aspects that portray the profession. Bringing out the Dead was close to home for a lot of burnt out medics. Trauma, although really far fetched and over dramatized that it is.. it does have a few good points, mostly reflecting on personal live and how people spend their tie off. Paramedics, was pretty good, it showed a lot of "the real deal" type of thing. Shows like Rescue Me also did a good job of how FF's are, outside of actually firefighting. Another good movie, Broken Vessels, is more about getting really burnt out and doing some really insane things. It shows a lot of what can/does happen that is along the lines of "unwritten rules". So, all that being said, good luck. Keep us updated. Don't dismiss anything/anyone because of a general opinion. Everyone can have something good to offer.
  17. 4c is right. Sometimes you just need a bit of the tough love.
  18. www.medicare.gov would be a good start. But without them going to see a doctor, your family member will most likely be denied coverage without a checkup.
  19. There are many web pages dedicated to things like this. Revenge on spammers or something. You contact them back and demand some sort of crazy act for them to do and take a picture of it. Then you upload the picture to the website. It's quite funny.
  20. This show, is getting worse and worse. But, I am a glutton for punishment, and I will continue to watch it. Edit: Boldface made by mean. And is no reflect on Richards comments.
  21. I still think the feds should foot the bill for the passport then. At least at the state level if they are refusing to comply.
  22. Maybe when this goes into effect, they will change some things on how they operate?
  23. I have been meaning to get a passport "just in case" I ever needed one. I am not even sure if my DL is one of those thingers. Most likely it is not. If the government is making people get them, and upgrade to them.. sure, I agree. If I must obtain a passport, then they should offer it at no charge. Yea, a passport is cheap, but it is also a huge money maker for them. I do not travel often, but I do enter federal buildings every so often. It's BS that I would need a passport to travel around in my own country. I will happily go to the DMV tomorrow right now to get an upgraded ID. I will happily waltz over to the PO and get the application for a passport if the feds cover the charge.
  24. It's not a transporting helicopter. It's for training and touring. Just flaming.
  25. Yikes! That has to suck. I heard they had sharp claws. But then again, most wild animals do. Glad to hear the guy is alright. Was the dog alright?
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