Not ALL instructors here are like that, but there are a few. There was a couple like that where I went to medic school. They were basically just guest instructors, not being employed by the school or anything. A few times some wouldn't teach certain methods or use of certain meds because "we don't use them here". A few were down right pricks and were yelling at students. A few acted like Lone's instructor. They didn't last long though. The lead instructor kicked them out like a bad habit.
Learning is a process that many don't always do at the same pace. Especially in EMS, it is very important to get the right info and the best info, rather than having to find out it's not correct and end up reteaching yourself stuff while you are getting behind on everything else. My instructors (the real ones) always went out of there way to make sure had the most up to date and proper information on whatever we were learning. Even if that meant calling the publisher and making complaints to them about info in the book (yes, the book CAN be wrong sometimes).
If we had a question, be it one person or more, they would stop and explain things. We always had off the wall questions about things, that were new in the profession, and they would come back with research they did to give up answers. If they were incorrect on something, they would question why they were wrong, and accept it. No one knows it all in this business. They would come back again, with more research on the subject and teach the proper info.