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Everything posted by FireMedic65

  1. *sigh* I heard wasps take good care of them.... but not entirely sure it would be a good replacement
  2. Well, at least I am not the only one with this problem. I love living out in the country, but this crap makes me want to move into the city.
  3. They look just like ladybugs at least. The color varies from brown to a red, with black spots. I tried taking a picture, but my camera won't focus that well in such a close up. wtf, a negative? seriously?
  4. Terri, there are literally 1000s of them. You are right, they vary in color and size. They do bite and they STINK!
  5. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but all EMT-B/I/P courses MUST be taught to the national standard, regardless if they are testing to that standard or know. For example, we learned a lot of medications in P school, that aren't even on the approved list of PA to use in pre-hospital (for paramedic, not pertaining to a PHRN). We tested on many procedures that aren't in our scope in the EMS Region. Even the text books had to be update to follow the national standard of education in EMS. Maybe this is just a PA thing, I am not sure. But this so called "teacher" needs to be put in her place and go sit in the corner while a real teacher, teaches.
  6. So, as many of you might know, I live out in the country. Recently, my house and the area around me have been infested with SWARMS of ladybugs. They are every where. My house is covered in them, and being it is an old house, they find their way inside and are all over my walls and ceiling. I have been busy as heck vacuuming them up and hosing them off the side of the house. Anyone, please with suggestions on how to get rid of them!
  7. Not ALL instructors here are like that, but there are a few. There was a couple like that where I went to medic school. They were basically just guest instructors, not being employed by the school or anything. A few times some wouldn't teach certain methods or use of certain meds because "we don't use them here". A few were down right pricks and were yelling at students. A few acted like Lone's instructor. They didn't last long though. The lead instructor kicked them out like a bad habit. Learning is a process that many don't always do at the same pace. Especially in EMS, it is very important to get the right info and the best info, rather than having to find out it's not correct and end up reteaching yourself stuff while you are getting behind on everything else. My instructors (the real ones) always went out of there way to make sure had the most up to date and proper information on whatever we were learning. Even if that meant calling the publisher and making complaints to them about info in the book (yes, the book CAN be wrong sometimes). If we had a question, be it one person or more, they would stop and explain things. We always had off the wall questions about things, that were new in the profession, and they would come back with research they did to give up answers. If they were incorrect on something, they would question why they were wrong, and accept it. No one knows it all in this business. They would come back again, with more research on the subject and teach the proper info.
  8. It's in your right as a student to want the correct information. Going about getting the right information that is being presented to you incorrectly should be taken up with the EMS Education Board (the people who gave her the certification/rights to instruct these classes). I would also bring it up to the course adviser, program director and even the dean. This is your education, for treating patients who need your help and may be dying without your help. Having the right information in your head is paramount. Just be more tactful about it. If you DO go and make a big stink about it, and nothing happens, surely the instructor would have an idea of who started it. You mentioned before that you confronted her before about this stuff. It's not a good idea to get on her bad side, since they have a way of weeding people out. So, be careful. If Jwade starts thrashing into her, your class might end up like a Harvard Medical school program... he would set her straight.
  9. you're going to try to color the hair you couldn't remove?
  10. Sorry, but I am going to need to see some proof of these so called see through shirts...
  11. Well now I'm not going if you are Dust! haha jk, can't make it anyway
  12. FireMedic65


    wow... that was terrible luck follow by who the heck knows what! glad they are ok
  13. failcops
  14. I have my medical history, allergies and meds tattooed on my chest.
  15. Always with the excessive amount of info nearly nobody knows.. love it
  16. that guy is my hero.. NOT I kind of like this tattoo myself, actually thought about getting it.
  17. Congratulations! Surly there are plenty of nursing homes and extended care facilities in FL you can apply at best of luck
  18. that's freaking awesome!! (fyi... sorry bout the negative, my netbook touchpad is finicky and I hit it my accident.. ill make up for it on another post bud)
  19. Happy bday dude
  20. They should launch another balloon, with the dad in it. And refuse to do any new coverage on it.
  21. Don't forget to send him a bill first!
  22. Everyone should have to suffer like I did.
  23. Sounds like you handled the situation adequately. This is a "squirt" fyi, guys... don't google image for "squirt fire truck"
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