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Everything posted by FireMedic65

  1. Good for him! It's a good step in the right direction he is taking. It's time some people get knocked down a peg or two. I fully support Tober!
  2. So is there any new development on this?
  3. The article I saw, they were destroying the cars. Maybe it was just repeat offenders? I am not sure.
  4. Well said Richard. Just a thought, maybe get a hold of the local high school band's band director and see if they would be interested in marching with you on special events. Usually, they will be up for it if given a timely notice. Recently, we had a County Convention here. Lots of departments, both EMS and Fire were there. Most of which, had marching units, carrying banners, flags as you stated. Some, even had their local HS band marching with them playing music. A handful, had their own band, mostly it was bagpipers. It was very nicely done.
  5. Once had a partner get stuck in a window when trying to make entry into a home.
  6. If there are any type of body fluids exposed to any part of the equipment, even if its on the line, we disinfect that equipment. Mostly people don't like to do it, but my health is pretty important to me. I have soaked straps in cleaning solutions over night before and had them scrubbed. Done lots of laundry on things. Once a month I like to have the whole ambulance done over and disinfected. Heck, I even use a separate pen for patients. It's been known the your pen is the dirtiest thing, since it is probably never cleaned. Some people may not care a lot, or realize the nature of keeping things clean. Just because the patient comes into contact with it, doesn't mean you don't. We come in contact with them a lot more than most people think. One time at work, we got really bored during a snow storm. We actually took cultures from various places in the ambulance and had them tested in the lab when they weren't busy. The results... were staggering.
  7. Who would answer the call? Their buddy at the station who will just ignore it. I usually have my camera with me, or my cell phone which is always with me. If I weren't going the other way, I would have taken pictures and sent them to various agencies and people. I agree 100% with you on not answering the phone while responding to a call. I have a bluetoof ear piece for when I am driving, but if I am working/driving, I do not take personal calls. If I am needed while responding, transporting, treating... I have a radio you can call me on. This however, does not mean I won't use my personal phone at work. If there is down time, I will text people, call people and have conversations. Also call in report to receiving hospitals or get medical command by use of cell phone. I have heard about the anti-street racing laws up in Ontario. I watched a video about it actually. Caught street racing, they impound your car, and smash it. Personally I don't agree with smashing the car. They are good cars and could be sold else where. But that's just me.
  8. May he RIP keep up from a marathon of Roadhouse on tv.. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28582715/?gt1=43001
  9. Most of these sporting and special events sub contract an ambulance from the area to standby. Getting on with them, would most likely mean you need to be employed by one of those ambulance companies.
  10. testing, not vaccinations. I was referring to vaccines of other sorts.
  11. tide to go pen, and febreeze...
  12. Here in PA, all employers must offer the testing and vaccinations at the cost of the company. Although, the employee can choose not to get them. As for EMS/Fire agencies, I would hope it be policy for providers to have such things done. I had to sign a waiver at work denying them, only because I already had them done. It stated that I could not sue the company if I were to get infected because I denied the testing/vaccines. I was hesitant to sign at first, since I wasn't denying them, it was just I recently had them done else where. I was given another form stating I had already had the vaccines. ps Since these are private medical records, no company can force you to get them done and prove it. As far as I know at least.
  13. Does this mean I win? Congratulations
  14. I just seen a cop driving down the highway talking on his cell phone, smoking a cigarette in the cruiser without a seat belt on. If they weren't going in the opposite direction, I would have taken a picture of it. I guess people will never learn will they.
  15. I'll do what I can until ambulances arrive
  16. so there is no longer a world's oldest person?
  17. my pda works alright on here I guess
  18. happy bday
  19. hard at work I guess...
  20. Good thing you posted before me dust, because I was browsing from the pooper the other day.
  21. hulu is a good time, but there is a lot missing
  22. happy bday and such like that
  23. Good point! There will always be circumstances outside of patient care where you need L&S. For example, a rain storm, snow storm, nuclear blast...
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