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Everything posted by FireMedic65

  1. By law they have to give notice to when and where a check point will be here in PA. It's always posted in the newspaper, in a small box some where that usually gets ignored. Most of the time, people will call each other to say there is one and to avoid it. They post cops before and after them, in case someone turns around or drives through. Is this entrapment? They don't give anyone a way to "avoid" going through. I also heard some place, that if they stop one person and do a sobriety test, they have to test everyone that comes through. Not sure on how truthful all that is. Personally, I never drink and drive, or drink then drive. I have many reasons why aside from common sense.
  2. Are you still in the Navy? Seems weird they would put you through the training a year before you were finished.
  3. It's hard to find the wrongfulness of the law. Look how they stick together. Six of them stomping and punching a guy who was unconscious. I'm sure this has happened many other times, in countless other places. Heck, we have seen the videos. Those cops are scum, and get away with too much because they hide behind a badge. I am willing to bet at least one of them has done this before to a suspect who "resisted" arrest. Yes, this guy ran from the cops. Yes, the cops are supposed to enforce the law and subdue the person for their own safety. This guy ran, and they "probably" didn't know why. So, to keep themselves safe, they have to subdue the person. NOW, what THEY did, was totally uncalled for. They brutally assaulted the guy.
  4. maybe he called his mom bad names due to being drunk or hypoglycemic? Would like to hear his side of the story.
  5. what that cop did was wrong, and saying "sorry" is not good enough. Letting him off only leaves him the opportunity to do it again or something worse. The only thing he learned from this was to stay out of the camera view. This cop is a piece of crap. After watching the video, it only furthers my opinion of this guy hiding behind his badge. He was running his siren, driving excessively and came up really fast/close to the ambulance, then passed it. Later he pulled into a gas station, turning the siren off. He then sped away to pull over the ambulance, storming out of the cruiser yelling at people and cursing. Very unprofessional! Barking commands and what not. At least he did tell the medic to get back in with the patient, several times. The medic just wanted to clear the problem up to get his patient to the hospital I suppose. The cop was said to just have gotten back from a tour in Iraq, and that is why he was so angry. That makes no sense to me. The medic didn't make him sign up for the military and send him overseas.
  6. Most companies have policies regarding this. We are to lock our ambulance at all times. Failure to do so, gives the employer the right to dismiss the crew for violating company policy. I do not know this companies policies, but I would assume there is something written in there about it. Lots of things are in those policies that are over looked everyday by crew and nothing happens because some would say it's just a formality to have them there.
  7. He DID NOT abandon the patient. He did not leave the patient, he did not stop giving care. He may not have been holding the patients hand the whole time, but there was someone with the patient when he wasn't there starring at them. Besides, he cannot be charged with abandonment, when he was REMOVED from giving patient care. At no time, did he "leave" the patient. If he would have walked away and went home or to get dinner while the patient sat in the back, yea, that's a different story. That definition is pretty crappy if you ask me. We "leave" our patients all the time. When he "left" the patient and put care in the hands of the EMT, that also does not mean he abandoned the patient to a person of lesser training. HE WAS STILL THERE!!! Emergency Care, contradicts itself a lot from what I remember. I don't have the time to go through the books and cite them all though. I would not trust those books for legal advice.
  8. We work very well together. Usually PD is on every EMS call, most of the they are the first ones there. Every cops is at least a first responder, most are EMT's and quite a few are medics. We get on scene and they are more than helpful with taking in equipment, helping take the patient out and gathering information.
  9. lesbians make you uncomfortable?
  10. My personal first aid kit includes: Cell Phone to call 911
  11. The officer is a liar, and hiding behind his badge as an excuse. The DA already let him off which is crap to begin with. As for violating HIPAA, he did no such thing.
  12. I have been riding motorcycles for a long time. The problem is not so much a driver in a car. There are multiple blind spots for them, and being on a bike only makes it harder for them to see you. The responsibility is on the rider. To be mindful of their surroundings and other drivers. I ride safe, and I never expect anyone else on the road to act the same.
  13. yes citations? and open up 20 old threads? all with the same topic and same discussion?
  14. To go from zero to hero, around 3yrs all said and done. That doesn't include that years of experience you should have between EMT and Paramedic though.
  15. even if the show is a hit, I probably won't watch it much. If it's on and I happen to catch it... I will watch. But I don't make efforts to watch a show on tv that is only on once a week... sorry, I have a life NBC
  16. try www.amazon.com they are pretty cheap or any book store should be able to order them in for you
  17. It rubs the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again!
  18. I'm planting seeds right now!
  19. whoops, I'm an idiot. I forgot to paste it
  20. This video made my laugh and smile quite a bit. Sorry it is in French, but the video speaks for itself. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d4b_1244756800
  21. it was said he was harassing people. maybe that is it? Not something I would want to see walking around where I live, but it's not illegal to cross dress or be in public wearing a bathing suit. Harassment is the issue I assume here.
  22. A $60 pen in EMS? There is a reason why we all carry bic pens you get in packs of 100
  23. my next door neighbor built his house, he had a party for when it was all done. His deck fell apart, causing quite a few injuries.
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