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Everything posted by FireMedic65

  1. Getting upset over someone cursing is one thing. If there are females present and I am working, and a person curses.. I kindly ask them not to. If they continue I ask them again. If they still do it, I might get pissy about it depending on the situation. I don't get out and leave the ambulance though. That is pretty much what this guy did. He abandoned his duty to act. He said don't curse, and hung up. He never even tried to find out what was going on.
  2. If you are a 20 year cop and still working dispatch... you should have given up long ago! (not that dispatching is a bad job)
  3. Personally, I think scripting radio reports is not the best of ideas. Sure, in the perfect world we will all give the best reports and receive the best reports. Sadly though, more often than not, providers give horrible reports. They leave out info, give you wrong info from them doing a bad assessment, or you just can't understand them. I am not saying everyone is like this, and it sucks there some are. They are out there though!
  4. ^^^^ what he said that is just awful! seriously, what the hell was this cop thinking? I really hope this family sues his nuts off and he loses everything and serves jail time for this. He put a persons life at risk by hanging up on this serious situation THREE TIMES!!
  5. really cool. I should start lurking around the local antique stores here
  6. lots of names to a business are misleading
  7. try calling them and asking? let me google that for you! http://www.doctorsambulance.com/
  8. Talk to people who have attended these schools. Wouldn't hurt to stop by the college and talk with the instructors. I could go to the ambulance stations as well and speak with the paramedics there about the schools. More often than not, most of them probably attended these schools and could give you better insight than anyone on here, most of which whom probably never even heard of the colleges.
  9. There are speed limits for a reason. Sure, you MAY be a good driver. But what about the asshat next to you not paying attention talking on their cell phone? It's your responsibility to drive safely. Driving over the speed limit not only increases the MOI to yourself, it also puts others in danger on the road. If you want to drive fast, go to the race track and do a track day.
  10. how much faster? Generally I notice ambulance drivers exceed the speed limit, because "they can". Cops usually won't pull over an ambulance. Pretty lame if you ask me, the law is the law.
  11. http://doihaveswineflu.org/ nuff said
  12. congratulations!
  13. a map of where you will die at http://healthmap.org/swineflu
  14. I would appreciate that if you have the time when you are at work again.
  15. Yea, it's the MRx. They thing just won't sync up so I was told. I was not there when they tried, but I was asked to see if I could find out some info. My guess, is the monitor wasn't in par mode. We will see.
  16. Does anyone have any documentation or know where I can read up on the technology for this. We are looking into getting new phones for the ambulances and want to have them capable of syncing to the monitors.
  17. The first episode was pretty interesting. It was cool to see how other countries operate, we seem to do things pretty much the same. Except, we generally park our ambulances on the street.. not over the curb and in the grass Look forward to watching the other videos. The chick medic in that hanging looked pretty cute too.
  18. how much for scuba gear and piano wire?
  19. Sign me up too! wow, that's pretty funny. we can have contests!
  20. damn, that is pretty friggin amazing. I was quiet impressed. Hopefully lots of good things happen to her and she doesn't turn into a rich snobby little brat
  21. This guy walked into the ER complaining of indigestion. In his mid 40s with no prior medical history besides a broken leg when he was a kid. During the assesment he had no other complaints besides "the worst heart burn I ever felt". He stated he had not eaten anything out of the ordinary and never had any type of reaction like this before. If I remember correctly, he had pork chops. When I was drawling labs on him, he said he was having trouble taking a deep breath. At that same time, the monitor beeped and flashed a PVC on the screen. I put him on 15li o2 and took the blood samples down to the lab. When I came back, about 3 minutes later he was getting a 12lead ekg (sorry, I do not have a copy of it and at the time I did not know what I was looking at in regards to a 12 lead so I cannot say for sure what was on it.). From there on, it just progressed worse and worse. Every time there was any change on the monitor, it would spit out a second strip. I would have to get the strip out and go over it more to lead you through the actual progression in his rhythms. What I can say is though, he went through the classic stages of a heart attack. Everything from bradycardia, to the heart blocks to VT, to VFIB. He did go into cardiac arrest, and he was defibbed, which you can see on the strip. I do not recall what all medications he was given aside from the basic ACLS drugs. He was in an "unstably stable" condition at the ER doc put it. All during this, the flight team was called in and he was taken away to get a cardiac cath. I have no info on him past that.
  22. that would still take quite awhile. I will figure something out though guys.
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