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Everything posted by FireMedic65

  1. Could sell them to school kids, they will buy anything! jk jk. Honestly, just flush them, or contact the local DEA.
  2. Doesn't Novocaine only numb the area where it's being injected into? Paralytics such as Sux, paralyze the body by blocking the neuromuscular actions. They work differently.
  3. gonna share them? I mean... if you need help disposing of them, I will help.
  4. wow, not THAT is awesome!
  5. creaked
  6. wooden
  7. Ok, here is how we play. Just add ONE word onto what the last person posts. If you end sentence with your word, you may use a second word to start the second sentence. Please try to keep it clean too people. I will start The
  8. Not sure if you can use it out of PA. I am pretty sure it is for PA providers only. I will look into it though for you.
  9. pretty strange...
  10. thanks, we have something similar here in PA. Also free, and more than just one "class"
  11. heh, funny stuff
  12. Hello, nice to meet you. Welcome to the city
  13. people are idiots
  14. the link is no longer active
  15. Italian Prime Minister... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9m63ydlggZA&hl=en&fs=1
  16. This is fantastic. I love to hear things like this. Animals deserve just as much care as humans do.
  17. Probably right. The lady was probably "his" patient. She was in labor with complications and he just HAD to be there. Sure, doctors are important, but not above the law for any emergency.. not even lack of paycheck.
  18. We have had situations like that here too. Anyone can buy a light bar from ebay or something and get themselves a uniform and fake badge. Running a blue/red light here, and not being a cop on duty, in a police car, is illegal. Undercover cops can only use a red light. Using a red light as a firefighter/emt/medic/nurse/cop/garbage man/whatever, needs to be licensed from the state which needs approval from the chief of operations from whomever you are responding for. Same goes with use of a blue light. None of them can be used, unless there is an emergency, and illegal if used when there is not one. (except for on private property or something for showing off). If you are a volunteer and have a blue light, they must be taken off or covered up when you cross state lines, such as NY or VA. Since in those states, those colors are reserved for police vehicles.
  19. Good point. There is no emergency so severe that I can not arrive safely to. Speeding and aggressive driving not only put yourself in danger, but other motorists on the road. Not to mention the person you are trying to go help. You are no help to anyone laying in a ditch or smashed up into a telephone pole. Now you have more victims who need help. Was the cop in the wrong? Maybe, maybe not. As Mike said, we don't know what fully happened. It is protocol (I think) for a cop to draw his weapon on anyone who leads them in a police chase. Running from the cops, for whatever reason, gives the police reason to believe they are running for a reason. The cop did not know why he was speeding or not stopping. The cop was just following the law and protecting himself. Thanks, I did not know that. Now, there was no reason for this Dr to be speeding to the hospital. There were people in hospital who could have managed the situation until he arrived in a timely, and SAFE manner.
  20. Did they add these found mushrooms to the salad?
  21. Just giving an example. Here the lights are as follows: Yellow warning Blue courtesy warning/emergency Red emergency Fire/EMS Red/Blue Police
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