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Everything posted by FireMedic65

  1. Talking about the paddles, not the quick-pads
  2. Depends on the site. Most still use the lp10s or older for testing. I used a 10 when I tested, but never once had to say anything about gelling the pads. http://www.nremt.org/nremt/downloads/Dynamic%20Card.pdf No mention of using gel on paddles.
  3. not gelling the pads is a critical fail? that must be new.
  4. listen to the doctors.. they know what is best whether you think so or not. things are happening for a reason and they aren't taking any chances. get well soon
  5. I know what was said I was just saying is all, some people might get annoyed by it, that's all
  6. Epocrates is great. I have it on my Palm TX and my Treo. I have a few other programs, such as ER Suite, and Paramedic Suite. Those cost money though, but not much. Also, there is a free version of the Merck Manual. Merk Medicus! It is pretty cool with LOTS of information, and it is free. Click here to visit their site.
  7. They can catch on fire from impact. Happens a lot as a result from accidents. Usually they generate a gas leak from the collision, and the heat from the engine, exhaust pipe, will ignite the fuel. As far as an explosion, I have never seen a vehicle "explode". Only in the movies that happens. It is more possible to see this happen in a racing type vehicle. They use a higher octane fuel, or even race fuel, such as ethanol. They are highly flammable and possibly explosive. I still have never seen one "explode" though. Only catching on fire and spreading extremely fast. The only time I have seen something explode as a result for an accident, were fuel trucks, tankers and so forth. The outside fire and leaking fuel gets so hot, it expands the remaining fuel in the container until it just can't take anymore, then kaboom!
  8. Ok ok people. That's wonderful you can speak another language and you are trying to make her feel welcomed. Not everyone speaks French though and it is unfair to others reading the thread when you speak in another language.
  9. Where is the explosion? All I saw was a car that had some smoke coming out of it. Not even a fire. Looked like it was overheating.
  10. Possibility of a basilar skull fracture... the tube going right up into the brain... come on, that's like the first thing they taught in EMT-B when using a nasal pharyngeal airway
  11. oops, head trauma. my bad
  12. If they had trismus, how could you know there were secretion, or had gag reflexes? Maybe I read this wrong as well. Anyway, in PA you have a few choices, depending on your region. I would have gotten an order for Ativan, for Versed, maybe Valium to help relax the jaw so you could get a tube in. It would also depend on what was going on with the patients, why were they like this? If you suspected trauma, nasal intubation would be out of the question.
  13. Try not to be cocky or a "know it all". Regardless of your accent, people will get annoyed if you come across as a know it all.
  14. Very true! Just relax! Rest, rest, rest! Don't study the night before, or even a couple days before. No sense in trying to cram any more info in there, it will only add more stress. Go for a nice walk or something. Eat a nice meal the day of the test, it helps! Also, do not over think things! Go with what you were taught, answers the questions based ONLY ON WHAT INFO THE QUESTION GIVES YOU. A lot of people get into the habit of reading a question and think "well, what if.. but maybe if this or what about this...". Over thinking will get you in trouble. and yea, sex is a great stress reliever, just do it before the test and again after to celebrate
  15. Reading over all of these, made me realize I really need to take a course on this. If not that, at least get a good book on it. When I was in medic school, our 12 lead lecture was very basic. Pretty much how to attach the electrodes in the right spot, and to look for ST elevations or depressions and to named what lead they came from. I feel this is a excellent idea for EVERY service using 12 lead capable monitors to do. Great thinking!
  16. you're welcome. just be yourself, don't try too hard to fit in. generally I get annoyed by people who try too hard. but then again, you have the accent, soooo there wouldn't be a problem there
  17. French accents are awesome! You will fit in
  18. The problem is people who take these classes and don't put in the effort they should to take the job seriously. I know a few who have taken a 30 day course and I won't ask them to get me vitals. I also know some who have taken the class and later become very good paramedics. So, it is all what YOU put into it. Read your book, take is seriously. Pay attention on how to take a blood pressure and put on a bandaid or whatever.
  19. I personally don't have any real concern with accepting a gift from a patient, within reason of course. I do not expect to get anything, I do not want anything given to me, and never would I ask anything to be given to me. If explained to the patient that they do not have to be generous for our services, and they still insist on giving you something, it would be rude not to take it. Taking the gift and being greedy about it with yourself, that is another story. I would share it, if possible with my partner. If I so happen to safe a guy from a burning burger joint and he decides to give me free burgers for life, of course I would accept it. I just hope my colleagues would come to my aid when I give myself a stroke for eating 30 of them in a row.
  20. I am all for having a little bit of fun at work to make the shift go by quicker, but this is out of hand! There were other vehicles around that could have been hit. Not to mention personal injury while on company/city time, using THEIR vehicles. If you want to drive like a moron, do it in your own vehicle at the race track or a controlled course.. yes people, they do have them!
  21. I ride in the back making siren noises and drooling on myself
  22. fiddle sticks
  23. Pi day was the best day when I was in high school. Everyone would bring in a pie to math class!
  24. I have a flight suit if that helps.
  25. Sadly, not enough people see a problem with this.
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