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Everything posted by FireMedic65

  1. I honestly don't remember that being covered. Maybe I dozed off for that part.
  2. I bet that smelled just fabulous!
  3. In my defense, I was cooking and had a stuffed nose. I can't make excuses for the people who actually mixed up the solutions.
  4. Came across this site earlier today from an email I had received. Appears to have a lot of good articles pertaining to EMS http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713698281
  5. You're right. My apologies for going overboard.
  6. A long time ago, some one "accidentally" discharged a dry-chem fire extinguisher at the station. Didn't make much of a mess, but there was still one. Went and got the mop bucket, made up a bleach solution in the bucket that had some "water" in it still. Later during the day, a few of us started to get dizzy and noticed a nice greenish haze coming from the bucket. Went outside to get fresh air, felt better. Right around that time, someone else had showed up and asked what were doing outside. We explained it to him and his reply "you didn't use the blue bucket did you?". Well, long story short, he had used the blue bucket the day before using an ammonia solution. We had called up chemtrec (a poison control place), and inquired with them what would happen. Luckily, no one was harmed from this. Accidents can happen so quickly and easy. Often, VERY dangerous. Congrats to the FD and EMS for a quick and safe evacuation.
  7. Just curious of who out there uses CPAP. More importantly, what is your criteria when choosing to use the CPAP instead of intubation. From what I have experienced, using CPAP helps greatly so you do not have to intubate. Everyone seems to have a different opinion on when to use one or the other.
  8. You have to do what is best FOR YOU. Sometimes that might mean some sacrifices on yourself, but it needs to be done.
  9. I think you should take any opportunity you can get, to get involved with patient care. Yes, those patients need a ride to the dialysis, or to get their eyes checked, you are trained to provide emergency care. Go do that. I first started doing the non-emergency transports and wheelchair runs. That did not last long. I did not become an EMT to be a wheel chair taxi driver. I wanted to do 911, and that's what told my boss. You will get a lot of patient care working in the hospital. I would jump at that opportunity. Get the most experience you can, where ever you can. If that means doing volunteer BLS stuff, go for it. You can read all the books you want on patient care, but they will be useless without the experience in using those skills and treatments you had read about.
  10. Sounds like I will have to make another trip down to Philly and try Jim's. Anyone for a road trip? I'll bring the IV errr cheese steak warmer!
  11. All of that can be stated in the DNR.
  12. Theft should have some harsher consequences. They used to cut your hand off for it.
  13. It's called an example. You should really read up on things before you go running your gums. A DNR can state anything the patient wants it to state. Yes, I have seen DNR's written to be very specific of what the patient wants. Mostly out of nursing homes. I always look them over and A LOT of the time, the patient wants CPR, intubation, ACLS measures, medications. They are very specific on what they want and do no want. Just because DNR stands for do not resuscitate, does not mean you have to wait for them to die to know what they want or do not want in case of ANY emergency.
  14. That's horrible.
  15. A DNR IS NOT just for when a patient codes. It can state anything the patient wants in regards to their treatment. A patient can have DNR that says they don't want oxygen more then 10li/min.
  16. What did the patient want? It's not up to the family, it is up to the patient. I would have treated the patient for the SVT. Consulted with medical command. Regardless of the patient's hospice, you were dispatched there. You can't just leave without treating the patient, unless there was a DNR stating as such. Make the patient comfortable, treat their symptoms.
  17. I didn't get my xbox oh right.. I still have my morals. I was watching this medical show, some lady in China who was like 10ft tall and had all kinds of health problems. No one wanted to help her, no one lifted a finger to do anything. Finally someone looks at her in the hospital, but sends her home with vitamins. Problem was, no one wanted to pay for anything to help her. She was poor from a poor family. Then I hear later, she was getting all kinds of help from American docs, free of charge. go figure huh?
  18. Nope, not me. 6hrs is nuts for a transport.
  19. Hopefully she does
  20. If someone threw acid in my face and blinded me.. you bet your ass I would want revenge, and not just have them pt in jail! One of the problems in this country is that criminals have too many rights.
  21. Welcome. Enjoy
  22. I hear they actually sell "toys" like that. Although, they are slightly modified for use WITHOUT a blade. People are dumb. A google search for "sex machine" will probably come up with a few links about them.
  23. Actually I read some where that your pen is probably the dirtiest thing you carry.
  24. epic
  25. This is how EMS is in a lot of PA. Especially in the more rural areas that are littered with volunteer BLS services. Pretty much every little town has one. An ALS service will cover a large area, and when there is a 911 emergency, the ALS and BLS will respond. The medic will ride in the BLS unit with the patient, while the other medic from the ALS unit follows. Personally, I think it is a huge waste of resources. You do not need two ambulances for only ONE patient. Given, you might need more help for certain types of calls. Just my opinion.
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