Yes, it is completely normal. You lost a quart of blood. Blood full of all kinds of goodies your body likes to have. You are feeling tired and dizzy because of this. Mostly because your body is not working to make up for the blood loss. You are dizzy for the simple reason of the lost nutrients that are in the blood, for instance sugar. Which is why they give you cookies. The cookies aren't a thank you for donating.
(please correct me if I am wrong, I am only assuming this out of common sense)
I remember when I first donated back in high school. A friend and myself were next to each other, and we raced to see who could fill the bag first. Bad idea, but it was fun at the time. My other friend got really sick, passed out a few times. Threw a few fists at a mean ole nurse. So we just took him to the senior lounge and hung out there all day. Ordered pizza, watched tv, had a blast
Anyway, you will feel better in a few hours. Eat a good meal, get some rest. Don't go off jogging or anything like that.