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Everything posted by FireMedic65

  1. There are a couple of pictures like that floating around. I believe that Phil posted one a long time ago from his neck of the woods. also, Dwayne... the picture was taken from the wrong side.
  2. The only time I have ever seen them being used (besides tv/movies) was when I was donating blood. This was probably 10yrs ago when I witnessed them being used. My good friend was next to me donating.. and we thought it would be fun to see who could fill the bag the quickest. Needless to say, it was stupid and all that jazz.. but when we were both done we sat down to eat out juice and cookies. My friend started to get droopy and put his head down. A nurse came over (slowly) and asked what was wrong.. I said he was tired. She nudged him.. she said "go away" in a half sleepy like voice. The nurse called for the doctor to come over.. he cracked open an inhalant and put it under my friends nose. My friend immediately got up and punched the doctor in the face, then sat back down and put his head on the table again. When the principal asked why he punched him he said "I was tired.. and that asshole was shoving crap in my face." Not really sure if this story pertains to the topic at hand... but for that reason.. I never used them.
  3. There is not much more I can add to how despicable this is. I have seen a few times FF's taking pics or videos at accident scenes.. and it pisses me off so much. Makes me want to go and smash the phones.. into their faces. But anyway.. this guy is clearly an asshat with no respect for the people he is supposed to be protecting/helping. He seemingly cared more about having a video to show off to his buddies. I hope the father does sue.. and I hope he wins.
  4. Sad to hear about this my condolences to their friends and families
  5. this place is dead

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FireMedic65


      You are right.. many people left and started posting else where.

    3. EMT City Administrator

      EMT City Administrator

      Great ideas.. I just got the Gen Discussion back online. Give me a few days to work on the other ideas. I have been extremely busy with my other projects.

    4. FireMedic65
  6. Damn deceptacons! Quick cover it up with tarps before they find it!
  7. I am doing well.. how are you doing doc? It has been far too long since we talked.

  8. POV is not an emergency vehicle. If the red light is blinking, then you treat is as if it were a stop sign. You STOP look both ways.. then proceed if there is no oncoming traffic. If the red light is solid... you wait until the light turns green. Regardless of being an ambulance, fire engine, cop car, ice cream truck... you must stop at red lights and stop signs. You may proceed if the intersection is safe and you make yourself seen and heard. This ONLY applies when you are running emergent.
  9. glad to hear everyone is alright
  10. Well... it is listed under "FUNNY STUFF" and the forum is marked that adult material may appear here. If you don't find it funny, that does not make it inappropriate. But the OP should have labeled the thread better as it not being work safe. (I didn't find it funny either)
  11. Pennsylvania
  12. Yes, they must obey the same laws you and I do when driving to get groceries. Having a siren and lights do not make you exempt from speeding, running red lights/stop signs. They do, however, when in emergent mode.. give you the right of away to STOP at those lights and signs... and if no one else is passing through, you may cautiously proceed. But if there is moving traffic.. you can't bully your way through legally.
  13. You can get the zippers separate... and "lace" them into the shoelace holes with zip ties
  14. From what it looked like to me... it was, of course, a 4 way intersection. Most likely everyone had the red light, and maybe there were turn only lights on.. or just that moment where the timers turned everyone to red. Now, for who was at fault... I would say, the ambulance. They were in emergent mode lights on. They did not appear to slow down at the intersection. Regardless of the incident, ambulances still have to obey ALL TRAFFIC LAWS even if they are driving around or responding/transporting. It also also unclear that if there siren was active, which is MUST be (at least here in PA). When the lights are on, the siren must be active as well.
  15. Your best bet is to go to a uniform supply store or a larger "shoe" store and try on several different pair. What works for me may not work for you and vise versa. You want something with ankle support and protection for your toes and maybe even the soles. Personally, I prefer a front/side zip boot for easy on/off. Also, you can unzip them for comfort when you are lounging around.
  16. where is the "No one cares" button?

    1. tniuqs


      Its right next to the WTF button.

    2. emt33786


      Right next to the 'Can't fix stupid' button.

  17. aol still exists?
  18. I am all for evolving.
  19. Do we "need" it... no, probably not. Would it be nice? Yes it would. I am a firm believer that progress is good. Learning how to use new tools is a good thing. When it comes time for medical directors to look at EMS systems, they can look at all this stuff "wow.. they use this? they are trained in that?" But if you are happy with minimal medicine and little skills, that's fine. I for one, want more.
  20. Sorry to hear about this.. it is terrible to hear. Condolences to friends and family
  21. He knows the guy who recorded it on the seismometer.
  22. I have treated a patient and watched them code in front of my eyes. I started CPR, knowing the DNR was present. I did not however, read the DNR to see what it was stating before I started treating their chest pain. When I walked in.. the patient said "help me".
  23. In the location of the stabbing, it is the same location where you would do a chest decompression. I would put on an occlusive dressing (BLS can treat a sucking chest wound and "burp" the dressing) The GSW can present with little to no symptoms, aside from a hole in the belly, and the patient may look fine. As we know, the abdominal cavity will fill up and pool A LOT of blood. The patient will be going into shock and we will hardly notice it because there is little blood loss. As for the stabbing, the location isn't quite as bad, but still pretty serious. There are lots of vessels on the inferior/posterior of those ribs. Having them hit with the knife can lead to serious problems. This patient will need a chest tube most likely, which can't be done in the field. Like Herbie mentioned, these situations are just that... situational. Keeping calm and looking at the big picture is what is important here (if we are talking BLS or single crew). Using your best judgement and following triage protocols will most likely help you. It is hard to say which patient is more critical without more information. If it were me, a single crew. I would do the rapid trauma assessment, stabilize best I can, and transport both at the same time and request another unit to rendezvous en route if possible.
  24. That is a touchy situation, but as JP said, a DNR is a DNR. Giving adenosine per protocol, patient goes into arrest. What about if the patient went into arrest when you attempted vagal? What about if they went into arrest spontaniously? Your treatment may have caused it or it may not have. This could fall into the same situation when any DNR patient. If you come on scene for lets say.. chest pain, during treatment, the patient codes. If you are presented with a DNR (before arrest), you stop. If you are showed the DNR after the arrest and already doing CPR.. call command. When in doubt, call medical command.
  25. Don't give up on something you enjoy. Continue on with your education and go on from there. Do not hold back because of what might happen 2yrs down the line.
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