Quite the discussion.....
Maybe what asys is trying to say (and if he is, i share his frustrations), is that I am tired of being monday morning quarterbacked by a wet behind the ears BLS provider who apparently has learned everything he needs to know about EMS is the week that he has been working this job and has nothing better to do that sit back and count the number of percieved mistakes I make on a call. Now keep in mind that our BLS providers PCPs are quite good for the most part and go through infinitly more education that the average emt-b in the US. I can see where in asys's case it would be even more frustrating to hear that BS from someone with a two week education in EMS.
Now i've been thinking about what might make a medic think he is higher up than an emt; pay, skills, and education, maybe....
The big one RESPONSABILITY... That patient is my responsability, its easy for someone to say I would have done this or that when they don't bear any of the responsability of those decisions. If its going to benifit my patient to shove my BLS partner face first into the flower-bed because he's so horny to get to the action than look out for the ground buddy.
I'm a nice guy, I have nothing but respect for good BLS providors, but my patient comes first and I would bet that most medics have 100% more contempt for someone with a BLS hero attitude than a medic with god syndrome.