When I looked into the degree and saw that it would set me back from getting my biology degree, that I would have to retake EMT-B (because I earned mine while in high school), that some of my classes would have to be taken over because they weren't for the allied health professional, I saw it was pointless.
The whole degree thing is great, I support it; but I think they need to require a degree that is worth something and requires you to take some actual science classes other then A&P and Biology and basic college math (for a degree here in Texas). I've always said it should be a four year degree similar to nursing in regards to chem, physics, micro, A&P, psych, soci, trig, and calc. Up until a year ago anyone with a college degree (60 hours or more) could get LP status here in Texas (licensed paramedic).
The thing is that there is no difference between what an LP is taught and what a certified paramedic is taught here in Texas. They still get the same paramedic course, still can do the same skills, etc. So why should there be a pay difference and a skills reduction for the certified paramedic when the one with a degree is no better off and in my case I hold more credit hours in advanced maths and sciences then what is required for the LP patch.