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Everything posted by emswife
Does having a kid with a Thomas the Tank Engine fetish count? TPBM has a collection of some kind that they are too embarrased to let their friends know about
Many years ago, I lived in an apartment where the t.v. would come on by itself, and my husband's scanner would come on almost nightly at a volume level much higher than we would use. I would also see flashes of small lights right in front of me, so I had my eyes checked because I had heard that the retina can detach and cause that, but my eyes were fine. Then I heard all my kitchen cabinets slam while I was in the bedroom, but tried to convince myself that it came from another apartment. The alarm clock would go off at times when it wasn't set, and our two little dogs were ending up in our bed a lot of nights, even thought they were always secured in the bathroom. One night, I heard the sound of a door knob clicking, and in a few seconds my dogs were with us. Also, our toddler son would cry for us in the middle of the night and point at the corner of his crib like he was afraid of something there. The creepiest thing that happened involved my towel being switched in my bathroom while I was showering, but the door never opened (and the towel that ended up in there was the one I couldn't find right before my shower). There were a lot of strange things, and they seemed to increase in intensity until we moved out. We later found out the apartment complex had a history of fires, dating all the way back to construction (one fire happened while we were living there). Could it be that I had a pyromaniac ghost with a hobby of listening to the scanner for emergency calls? I don't know, we got the hell out.
Underwear? What underwear? By the way, Kountess, a few years ago I had Allie who plays Sammy on "Days of our Lives" at my place with her husband Dave. It was back when they were just engaged. She was really nice, but I really wish my husband would have warned me she was coming, I was still wearing my work clothes, how very unglamorous! TPBM has a crush on someone at work...but that person don't know it yet
I agree with what Rid and Medicwife wrote about saving the most intimate things for your spouse. I have always felt that friendships between opposite sex couples are fine as long as those relationships do not take away from the marriages that the "friends" have with their spouses. One way that can happen is when the friends start sharing so much, that the spouses in the "friendship" no longer feels the need to confide in their spouses. I mean, why have to repeat it, right? You already shared whatever was troubling you...but the problem is, you didn't share it with who you should have, the person you promised to share your life with. Then after awhile, that spouse just doesn't seem to understand you the same way your friend does, I wonder why? Intamacy is based on trust and comunication. If you want to be intimate with your spouse, I suggest that you treat them like your best friend. It may not always be easy, they might not like what they hear at times, but working through those things are what make relationships stronger. I have seen way too many marriages fail, and I see plenty of marriages in a sad state, because the spouses start to treat each other like the enemy, like someone they have to hide things from. Take Rid's advice, if you're married, keep the working relationships professional. If you need to have deep meaningful relationships with someone other that your spouse, then have those relationships with your same sex co-workers. Having an affair is a choice. Choose not to go down that slippery slope. And emotional affairs can be just as damaging, if not more, than physical affairs. I am very lucky to have a husband that loves me and treats me like a friend, but I am very sad to see this scenario played out over and over again with people we know.
He he he... I thought that was my little secret! TPBM did something so horribly embarrassing in highschool, that they are too chicken to go to any reunions for fear of hearing "Oh yeah, your that person that (blank), ah hahahaha!"
I think you and your husband need to discuss the reasons he is so uncomfortable with your partner. Him being in the business may actually be working against you if he has seen enough to make him worry (as we know it is not all that uncommon for male-female affairs in the work place). Maybe he saw something in his work that he is actually projecting onto you, maybe someone he knows has had an affair. I suggest that you get to the root of the problem before things gets out of control. Once he has confronted the reasons for his insecurity, hopefully he will calm down.
Those were pretty funny, but the reason there's a song about Jimmy cracking corn when no one cares is because the negro slaves that sang that song were making fun of their whitie master who wasn't looking while Jimmy was on the take :lol:/ . And, the fact that there is braille on a drive thru window actually might explain a few things... :shock:
Yeah, but I think I have everyone else around me fooled :twisted: TPBM likes to play practical jokes on their coworkers to amuse themself when the shift is a little slow
I like that one, think I'll use it on my teenage son since I've had many conversations with him where he is obviously engaged in the conversation at the time, and later he didn't remember what I was saying at all, even admits that he agrees with what I said, but only remembers what he was saying and what he "thought" I was saying based on his end of the conversation! Maybe I just don't speak "teenager"....
"Oh, I'm sorry, did you mistake me for someone who cares?" I like to use this on my teenage son when he gives me lame excuses for not getting his @&$% done.
And size don't matter either guys!!!!Ahhhhhaaaaahhhaahhhaa, I've got to stop before I pee my pants (emswife wipes tears from eyes), yeah, it's how you use it, ahhhahhhhhaaaahhahhaha...maybe we should just go to the mall instead (maybe that's what she was thinking) .
Is her name Taylor? You really shouldn't have started a porn site about her. Or is that some other guy who got his heart broken into a million peices too? TPBM is a pimp on his second job (cause you can't support yourself in EMS after all)...
Your opinion matters, we ask it so we know what not to do or wear .
Misunderstood? I think not, you guys are indeed sick, and the twisted part is we women actually dig it :wink: . And Trench, you are not "retarded", the politically correct term is mentally impaired .
If I decide to go lesbian, you'll be the second to know. I'm sure my husband would insist on first "dibbs" . You guys really are sick you know :shock: . But it is good to be loved :love5: .
It's enough to make a girl go lesbian. The only problem is that then the guys would want to watch .
"Stupid is as stupid does..." This is true. Ignorance can be forgiven and corrected, but refusing to learn, that's stupid. I view stupidity as an act, not a condition, as even people with low i.q.'s have the ability to learn.
Medic, I'm sorry to hear that your husband doesn't support you and is unwilling to compromise. In any marriage, over any issue, when spouses take a "my way or the highway" attitude, it usually spells a lot of trouble. I feel for the spouses married to you guys, I'm one of them. It can be very frustrating at times. But it's important to stay focused on the reasons you are together, the things that attract you to one another, and do what you can to nurture these things. It's easy to get bogged down by the negative issues we as married people face (long work hours, paying the bills, kids that aren't behaving that day, etc.), and lose perspective on how good we really have it. It's not that easy to find someone that will love you for who you are, who can sustain a long term relationship in a manner that is worthwhile, but it can be done. Both spouses need to value and respect each other as the individuals that they are. Medic, would your husband appreciate it if he were pursuing something as important as your job is to you, and you weren't willing to support him? I don't think so, and you deserve the same consideration. For the original poster, I hope things have improved for you and your wife. If the two of you truly love and respect each other (and yourselves, because I'd think being a spouse to someone in this line of work would be nearly unbearable to someone with low self-esteem), then you will find a way that works for you to resolve this. Counseling is certainly a valuable option. As for the men joking, etc. with her, my husband worked with a sadly desparate woman who walked around in her underwear (and I mean very skimpy underwear) while at work to try to get male attention (I really hope that there isn't anyone here that really thinks it's appropriate to walk around in their underwear in front of their opposite sex co-workers, the nature of your job really does not resolve you of this basic decency). It wasn't my husband's fault, it was her's, and the company's for not discouraging her, if they were at all aware of what she was doing. Don't blame your wife, unless you feel she is encouraging truly indecent behavior, in that case you have every right to expect her to not engage in the offending behavior. She is only responsible for what she does or says. Don't create a situation where she will start to hide things from you because you get angry at her for what others do, that isn't fair.
I think it was Hammer that said she didn't think that calls with children would have bothered her, but had found otherwise and wasn't sure exactly why. I'd say there are probably a multitude of different reasons for everyone. However, one thing I'd think you'd find in common is that we are aware that children are dependent on the adults that are supposed to protect them, and when those adults fail, or are outright negligent (or worse), and the children pay the consequences, the unfairness itself can be maddening. They are innocent, and at the mercy of the decisions made for them. That six year old didn't have a choice, she died because of her mother's decision, and she had so much in life she hadn't even had a chance to experience. It is understandable why calls involving children will bother anyone more, even if that person doesn't like kids (my husband tells me he has worked with a few people that don't :? ). I think it is frustration at the flagrant disregard of responsibility for something so vulnerable that we have in common. As for the nineteen year old that commited suicide, perhaps there were mental issues, and for some reason he just couldn't see "the light at the end of the tunnel". I don't know. Anyone who truly values themselves will most likely have a hard time wrapping there head around that one. I'm just sorry he wasn't helped before he took his life (not saying that the people around him didn't try, or were even aware that he was contemplating suicide).
Has anyone mentioned "School House Rock"? "I'm just a bill, yes, I'm only a bill, sitting here on Capitol Hill..." I loved Benji, wanted one of those metal lunches boxes with him on it, my mom got me Boomer instead :evil: ! I am actually still looking for one, my husband has searched e-bay with no success . Yeah, I know it's sad, but I'm just in touch with my "inner child".
If the sight of you naked is that traumatic, then your crew should have had a clue and known better than to take your clothes. Which makes me wonder if they really did it. You're just a twisted pervert and you know it :wink: .
I've watched as my husband has struggled with various calls over the years, and I've seen the internal struggle and fear associated with expressing emotions when faced with the horrible things you face regularly on the job. I am so very glad that you are able to share this here. I sincerely hope you also have people close to you that you trust enough to share this with (don't be afraid to do this, it is not a burdon when someone you care about shares their darkest moments with you, it is a gift of trust, and I hope the people in your life recognize this). You never know when something is just going to "click" with you, when something is just going to get under your skin a little more. Maybe you will find yourself associating something personal with a call , maybe you'll just get overwhelmed by the enormity of the tragedies that surround you. I think it is normal to feel this way from time to time, you are most certainly not alone. So don't feel guilty or ashamed, or think that it makes you weak, it just means that you are human. If you didn't feel this way, then I'd be worried. Take care of yourself, and I hope tommorow is a better day....
GUILTY! But that was twenty years ago, and I still hear about.... TPBM has "streaked", this may be a dated phrase for those that were born after 1980 (definition :run buck naked through a neighborhood, etc.)
The thing is, I don't think that their goal is to show any truth about your profession at all. I think they are going with the "what sells" mentality here. The general public likes to think that you all have days full of drama and heroism (and sex in the back of the ambulance; I'm sure they have a demographic study to show the appeal of including this). There are many aspects of your job that just wouldn't be "entertaining". The stereotype sells. It is a shame that shows like this further perpetuate misconceptions about your jobs, particularly when it undermines the respect you deserve. But it is a t.v. show, not a documentary, and the people most likely to be interested in the truth already know it, and respect you. If they don't, I would venture to guess that is because it does not fit into their agenda (I'm speaking of doctors that demean you to make themselves look bigger and parents/family that don't like the choice you've made, for whatever reason). You know why you do the job, you know the realities of your job. That's what is important. If people come to you and ask if your job is like a particular show, and you feel it is appropriate to educate them, then by all means, do so. Rather than be irritated by the question, maybe you can view it as an opportunity to set things straight. It's the people that don't ask that I'd be more concerned about. Ultimately, does it matter so much what other people think? Does it mean your job is not important? I don't think so. But, I do understand your frustration and need to vent.
Yeah, well I did, but apparently he got a late call, so I won't be "doing" anything.... :evil: The person below me has farted in line at the grocery store and left their significant other to pay in shame