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itku2er last won the day on January 21 2022

itku2er had the most liked content!

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  • Occupation
    Terror to man and beast alike!

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  • Gender
  • Location
    In the beautiful hills of VA
  • Interests
    Looking for my pot of gold at the end of my rainbow.

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  1. Omg looks like the stuff shirt found a sense of humor while I been away!!!!
  2. This is sad, RIP my friend. Now you really are a singing angel. Brett btw how you been doing? Haven’t heard from you in forever!
  3. Thanks Guys. I passed this site address to his dad. Some of theses questions you all asked I don't know the answer too. Thanks for the all the help.
  4. I am posting a link with permission of this young mans father, does anyone have any ideals how to help with this? You guys that do the interstate transfers and stuff are a lot more knowledgeable about this than I am. So any help would be greatly appreciated. This is a go fund me page but it has his story attached to the page. About his accident and how he ended up at the facility I currently work at. https://www.gofundme.com/2perqmc
  5. Trump if I vote Just because I can not stand Hillary. honestly i have not kept up with he UK leadership some one can enlighten me if they want to. Ruff I think adding a root canal was a little dramatic hahahaha
  6. itku2er


  7. Only we can make it epic....as far as voting I am starting to think that maybe this election I am torn between Erdoc and Ruff
  8. Happy Father's Day to all the dads and single mom's who are doing double duty!
  9. itku2er


    oh my
  10. itku2er


    Welcome to the city,,,,,,don't mind them their bark is worse than their bites....but then again you never know
  11. itku2er

    Online Gaming

    So basically this is a game where you shoot people?
  12. Penguins=hockey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Sorry for your loss, Prayers for you and your family Dwayne.
  14. Well I guess I will have to go with the Texas Rangers I really should be a Texan but I am not.
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