:shiftyninja:I really wish this had a TERR dont be stupid option!!!!!!!!!! but oh well
The new status bar thingy at the bottom i created my own chat room COOL!!!!!!!!! I am playing around with the new things
Jess don't go borrowing trouble and easier said than done but dont stress yourself out till you know for sure what is going on. We can as health care professionals be our own worse enemies at times with the self dx thing and some times a little knowledge is a bad thing. You know where to find me if you need to talk you have the number. Nothing but good thoughts coming your way chicky...
Where do I get those cool suspository and colonel colt? As long as they dont have a sharp point on them I can have them..
Wonder what would have happened had he not been stopped?
Wonder if his diet will work for me? I don't really buy this one but he did have "medical observation" I am the same way as chris is if i dont eat something my blood sugar drops big time.
You mean they sent those out??????????? oh dear lord......
Terri was abducted by aliens, woke up in Vegas, found Elvis, sewed a button on her jumpsuit and got a $10 000.00 tip. Seriously, its on Facebook must be true!
If any of you all get strange emails please disreguard them my puter has been hacked at some point in time when i been away taking care of family stuff... and working too of course... just when you get a handle on things the damn thing breaks off... and you all should know the ones that know me well i am not in the UK cause this CHICK does NOT FLY!!!!!!!
I love you guys.... and I miss you bunches and bunches... yes bratt even you!