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  1. I've seen alot of those in the second group on the site www.engrish.com. SOOO funny, the interpretations.
  2. I like to watch "Scrubs"...[ducks] Fricken best medical show on at the moment.....in my Very Humble opinion. Well, at least the most entertaining.
  3. Here's my .02....STUDY STUDY STUDY. Review all your old tests from class. Remember, when you are answering the questions, answer them according to YOUR scope of practice; there may be some answers that may see more correct IF you are a paramedic, but since you are going for EMT-I, answer them from THAT parameter. Actually, I didn't find it particularly difficult, and this is the one I took also (I-85). One thing I do remember thinking was how glad I was that I knew alot of the vocabulary, and how if you didn't know the correct terms for things, it would really trip you up. So just try to know the CORRECT terms for even simple things. I'm sure you've been told this but it bears repeating: ABC's!!! Very important. Basic stuff made up the bulk of the test. Good luck!
  4. The Calusa Indians were originally called the "Calos" which means "Fierce People". Ponce de Leon was shot in the thigh by an arrow, and later died.
  5. We used that in my class. If you want the textbooks, they have em in the store on this site. I will post more when I have time, gotta run my kid to dance class...
  6. This is a most excellent thread, that I am loving 100%. Being an EMT-I on the job for only 5 months, I have learned the hard way alot of this "common sense" stuff, but this is how I really like it laid out for me....Don't hold back, I don't have thin-skin. I have to say that in my service area and with the medics I've worked with (Paragods or not), they all respond very well to QUESTIONS I have. They've all shared their knowledge with me, and have been happy to do so, if only I ask! It does take a little time to get the finesse of driving, paperwork, pt care, etc. down, but I still consider the Pts the most important part of my job. Dust, I love you.
  7. Thanks to all! And Ruffems, no worries, no offense taken. I have gotten some really good advice on this thread. Jeez, all I asked was a good reference for EKG interpretation! Lol. I realize how important BASIC skills are. I have no intention of slacking on the basics. I appreciate all the comments and support. I really like my job, BECAUSE I like having PT contact. The PT's are why I got into this field. There are many areas I am working on improving, I simply asked about THIS one, cause I knew there would be some really knowledgeable people here to help me; and I was right!
  8. Once again, thanks.
  9. Thanks for all the great replies, and advice. By the way, where did I mention that I am "bound and determined to skip the important stuff in order to move on to the sexy stuff that you can't use"?? I am very dedicated to having excellent basic skills. Of course I am not neglecting my knowledge of anatomy and physiology! I simply asked about EKG interpretation. I do not expect to become an EXPERT from trying to learn a little on my own, I DO NOT plan to question the medic or try to "impress" anybody with what I know. I AM trying to be the best EMT I can be.
  10. Thanks, guys! Yeah, Fiz, I will definately keep that in mind, don't want to piss off any medics. THere are SOME that I work with who would not care, but there are also many anal ones... It's really not to show off knowledge but instead to try to UNDERSTAND what's going on with the PT and when we should be more concerned. Instead of just being in the back, feeling like, "Derr, derr...", you know?
  11. THank you for your input! I was checking that one out, looks pretty simplified, which is good for me, lol!
  12. I'm an EMT-I, and at the moment I cannot go to paramedic school due to $$ issues as well as time... But I want to continue my education as much as I am able, and I'm looking for a good text about EKG interpretation. On Amazon, there are a couple that look promising: Dubin's Rapid Interpretation of EKG's, as well as Thaler's The Only Ekg Book You'll Ever Need. Before I get flamed, I realize this does not take the PLACE of paramedic training and study. However, I don't want to be totally ignorant when we have a pt hooked up the 12-lead! I know this will not qualify me as any kind of expert on EKGs, but for my own personal satisfaction in knowing what my medic partner is talking about and being able to spot something vital...etc etc. Anybody have some good texts or websites to suggest? My EMT-I book actually has a great couple of chapters on the subject but I want to dig deeper. Thanks! R.
  13. Saw this really expensive rare sports car (can't remember what kind, only that my parner was impressed with it)...tag was LMFAO.
  14. I must be an exception...I am an EMT-I (just found out I passed the NREMT) and EVERYTHING is exciting and cool and new for ME. The medics I worked with on all of my ride-alongs kept apologizing that we didn't get any "good" calls.. I had to say to them,"EVERY call is good for me, I am here to learn." I WANT to push the damn cot! I WANT to do the simple, mundane things like CLEAN out the rig and RE-SHEET the cot. I haven't been hired yet, have a pending interview this week, but I am afraid when I am hired, I will be made fun of for my exuberance. It's all cool and new and I realize it's all my job. So far, my jobs have been to take VS and glucose sticks (there were other things, like taking SAMPLE, applying leads, holding PT's hand, doing chest compressions for 30 min. on asystole PT, etc.), had a couple of psych pts. (one that required seven police officers), but no truama... I just wanted to let you know, there are those of us out there that will do ALL and ANY tasks because it's our job. Maybe it's my age, I just turned 37 and am starting this late in life. I don't know. But I am raring to go!
  15. I debated on posting in the Testing forum, but I thought this one had more traffic... And yes, now I can begin to learn. Thanks guys!
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