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Everything posted by cprted

  1. I'm in the applicant pool for the December intake at the Kelowna campus.
  2. cprted

    Stage Collapses

    But when the same "freak occurrence" happens 3-4 times per year, I think we can stop calling them freak occurrences and start addressing real risks in live outdoor entertainment and how to mitigate further loss of life.
  3. cprted

    Stage Collapses

    Good post on a theatre safety blog I read. http://theatresafetyblog.blogspot.com/2011/08/indiana-state-fair-stage-collapse-post.html
  4. cprted

    Stage Collapses

    As someone who also works in the live entertainment industry and have friends on the summer festival circuit, I would suggest that the culprit in these cases is less likely to be the actual engineering of the portable stages, but corners cut in the on site installation. I personally know a professional rigging company who's work I would never stand underneath, and yet, they keep getting hired for gigs ...
  5. I think this is something the union could/should be looking into. In the Vancouver Police, certified field trainers get paid an extra 10% while they are coaching new recruits. New recruits can only ride with a certified field trainer until they become certified municipal constables.
  6. Do you know what the RCMP call Naniamo? Surrey-by-the-Sea
  7. cprted

    worst week

    Robertson Orthopedic Stretcher http://en.wikipedia....Scoop_stretcher
  8. Yup! At one point in time, members of the Vancouver (Canada) Police Department received 50% off at KFC. One day, a member calls in an order for his daughter's birthday party, orders 3 or 4 buckets of chicken, bunch of coleslaw, etc etc etc. The guy shows up in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts, flashes his badge and asks for his discount. The girl explains that the discount is for people on-duty only so the member said something to the effect of, "well you take your chicken and shove it up you hoho." The next morning, an email went out from the regional manager of KFC stating the 50% off deal was no longer available to VPD members.
  9. While I have benefited from a discounted meal once in a while, I've never asked for a discount, even if I knew it was a policy to give us a break. In fact one time, a couple of us were eating at Boston Pizza (big chain up here) and the bills came without the customary 10% discount. I didn't care, but one of my co-workers was really sharky with the waitress about it. I have never been more embarrassed in a restaurant before in my life. Needless to say I apologised to the waitress and left a very healthy tip. Also needless to say I've never eaten out with that particular person since. SD, bad form asking for the discount. If you abuse these sorts of gifts, they tend to go away.
  10. So what you're saying is the material you're posting to this board is something that you would never say in public as it would reflect poorly on you ... interesting.
  11. Reading the description, it just sounds like "Rescue Ambulance" is the agency lingo for an ALS car.
  12. If anyone is interested ... http://www.jibc.ca/p...-care-paramedic
  13. Sorry, SD. Respect doesn't come from a certification or a class of license, it has to be earned by being a constructive member of the community.
  14. Good insight.
  15. Thinking you're invisible is only going to get you and/or your partner hurt one day.
  16. Or you and your partner may have gotten the crap kicked out of you and then there would have been five patients and no EMTs versus three patients and two EMTs.
  17. Couldn't you have just taken the patient into the ambulance, locked the doors and updated police as to the fight in progress?
  18. I just spat tea all over my keyboard.
  19. On Duty: Trauma sears Penlight Sharpie Ballpoint pen Couple pairs of gloves Stethoscope EMS field guide Off Duty: 1 pair of gloves and a face shield on my key chain.
  20. This guy missed his calling as a stand-up comedian ...
  21. In British Columbia, I was certified by the training academy and then was licensed by the government.
  22. When the government holds 167 seats, the opposition 102 and the next party 34 and then 4 and 1 respectively after that, we effectively have a two party parliament. What remains to be seen is whether this becomes the new status quo or whether we return to a situation where the Liberals and or the Bloc are able to have strong electoral showings. We will see in 4-5 years. I actually think that it is wonderfully Canadian that the Bloc is a federal party and at one point formed "Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition." In other countries, wars are fought and people die for the cause of regional separation, but in Canada, we voted about it.
  23. While I am leery of the new Conservative majority, I am am glad that we seem to have returned to a two-party system with majority parliaments.
  24. The labour mobility agreements are to do with licensing, not employment. The mobility agreements do not change any employment policy of a service or the collective agreements with the union(s). While union membership is not a legal requirement for employment in BCAS, it is mandatory as per the collective agreement. Just like the collective agreement sets out that vanacnies are to be filled from within the ranks before an external candidate (no matter how qualified) is considered. I am very new to this career and I don't doubt for a second that you could run circles around me with your hands tied behind your back when it comes to knowledge and skills in the back of the car. However, the law the legal system is something I have some real life experience with.
  25. It is pretty normal in every union environment that I have ever worked in that internal candidates are considered first for any position. Failing to find a qualified internal candidate, positions are posted externally. Just the game we all have to play.
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