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Everything posted by alvinmedic_69

  1. The most embarassing thing that has happened to me happened was when i was still in school doing my rotations. i always ran at night with the same crew for all my clinicals. well on my last night the guys i were partners with told me i could go back into one of the rooms and get some sleep and they would come get me if we had a call(this ems provider was dispatched by phone so no tones) At 2 in the morning they pound on the door and tell me we have an MVA s/p vehicle vs pedistrian. I jump out of bed go shooting out of the office and out the door. I trip and fall off the steps and I look over to see them standing by the truck laughing their assess off!!! There was no call and i busted my ass in front of them. They hit me with a double whammy!!!
  2. I'll take anything u got
  3. One thing I'm sure all of you have experienced in EMS is when the mouths start talkin and rumors get spread. Well i personally don't like it when the rumors gets started that i was sleeping with one of my married preceptors. That rumor almost ruined a marriage and ruined my ability to work in EMS where I live and be a firefighter. Any suggestions on how to really get this guy back?
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