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Everything posted by Arizonaffcep

  1. It's also got chronotropic properties as well...and works well for counteracting beta blocker OD's
  2. Beatings and hallucinations! (greetings and salutations) Welcome to the City! My experience from when I did mine, and when I conduct them, is the technical focus in on BLS...don't worry about ALS stuff, in theory you shouldn't know it yet. That's why you are going into class :wink: . Good luck, dress nicely (if not in class "A" uniform). Get a good nights sleep, and remember...take big crap before hand--it will take care of any pre-interview tachycardia & HTN!
  3. An interesting article. I personally don't care who would make the standard, either would work. One thing that I didn't really see mentioned was that NFPA is NOT a one-size-fits-all code place. Think about it...how many different types of fire departments there are, and how many different types of apparatus. If they were, there'd be one manufacturer and only one engine/ladder/etc. that fit the bill (over exaggeration, I know). They have come up with a lot of safety standards that are excellent for the fire service...and if AAA hasn't done it, why don't they do it, or TEAM UP WITH THEM! I personally think this is a good idea, all the way around (general concept of idea).
  4. Hell...refried beans and a lighter can do that....
  5. You're just lucky you didn't have to clean up the goose crap after that... :twisted:
  6. Ok...I'm not a sports guy at all. But, I've lived in Arizona all my life...and for as long as the Cardinals have been here, they've, well lets just say not done well. Then...out of the blue, they are in the Superbowl?! WTF! Congrats guys...way to go! I will watch the game--for the commercials...
  7. One of the BC's at my old FD did this same thing, but not with EMS equipment...with things like the tire jack, etc., something that DHS requires, but in reality isn't needed (we weren't allowed to touch the maintenance stuff, other than checking fluid levels, etc and adding as needed. They believed--rightfully so--that this is why they pay the mechanics to change tires, etc.) It worked to show who was checking their rigs, and who wasn't. And, direct patient care wasn't effected at all.
  8. No I don't consider them fit for duty, nor would I let this "surgeon" work on me. If I had a repour with this doc, I would try to approach it from that side, and have a person to person discussion. If things needed to be elevated, then that's what might be called for, but my preference is to handle it person to person before anything else.
  9. I can kind of agree with the OP. I have noticed that it is harder to tell somethings when using some of the new LED's, but it's more of a color recognition than anything else. They seem to be a "cooler" white (more blue than yellow white), which can distort some colors. Oh well, there are good flashlights out there that are LED or "regular."
  10. Sounds like he's frustrated about how the latest and greatest flashlight's that are LED are a bluer light than he's used to and it (in his opinion) is harder to see by, when compared to, say a mag-lite.
  11. So...how many lumens is your light saber?
  12. You are absolutely right. Putting all your eggs in one basket is a recipe for disaster. The point I was trying to make was, one should not embrace the "gadgets" to the exclusion of DL, which I have seen with a couple of residents.
  13. Please understand I'm not bragging on my intubation skills...I've been "rotting" in the ED for 2.5 years without a live intubation...so I'm sure I'm a little rusty... The way that the airway tools have always been explained to me, and this is from one of the faculty I work with, an assistant professor of EM and is faculty for www.theairwaysite.com for Emergency, says the "standard" is DL. All others are nice to have, but you can't guarantee that they (being hospital, prehospital provider, etc.) will have them. So it is imperative that one be proficient in it. This Dr. also has more airway gadgets than anyone I know... That's all I was getting at.
  14. Very true...I just worry about those that use the rescue tool as front-line only...which there are a few who almost never use DL, they can loose proficiency in it, and once they graduate residency they can end up at a hospital that doesn't have anything else. Which would be detrimental to their patients.
  15. For us, anytime you are going to the hospital for treatment that is NOT scheduled, it is considered a scene call. Anything else is an interfacility.
  16. Ok...perhaps I misunderstood you & vice versa. In my system, during an interfacility, you need one...doesn't matter if emergent or scheduled. For 911, not needed.
  17. All relevant to assessment. Good assessment = good medicine. Bad assessment = bad medicine. How is she neurologically? Intact with = grips/push/pulls, etc? Off the bat, IV, O2, Monitor. I wouldn't want to go down any specific pathway until I could rule in CVA (as I can't rule out...), or if another pathway presented itself more prominently.
  18. p3, totally agree. The complications and mortality rate are due to (in part) the inactivity mandated by this type of injury. Plus elderly just don't heal as quickly or as well as younger folk. However, I do think pain management is imperative with these patients. The enemy of all fractures is movement, which is exactly what needs to be done to get the patient to the cot. I, assuming the situation allows for it, premedicate with morphine prior to movement. It's the human thing to do.
  19. How you respond doesn't negate the need to get the Physician Certification filled out. Medicare doesn't care if you respond L&S or not. So...it still needs to get filled out. It could, however be an attpemt to keep a good response time for CON (at least here is AZ...CON=certificate of necesity, State's sanctioned monopoly for response, and is time guided by the applicant for the CON).
  20. It has always been my understanding that the Glidescope is a RESCUE tool, where DL should be used primarily. If you can't get it with DL, move to a different tool. Of course, not all the residents at the hospital I work at follow this thought process. Hope they don't go to a hospital that doesn't have any of the fancy stuff... :?
  21. Sure they will...just a little further south...
  22. www.apgarambulance.com is all I could find. Seems like an ambulance trader as opposed to an ambulance manufacturer. He does seem linked to Medtech Ambulance in some fashion.
  23. "The Bird is the Word!" Peter Grifin, Family Guy
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