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Everything posted by EmergencyMedicalTigger

  1. Tough topics..I'd say my black-and-white answers are pro-choice, pro-death penalty, and pro-euthanasia. For me, it would have to be a really good reason to get an abortion. I think there's a special corner of Hell for women who use it to correct their irresponsible moments. I'm from Texas so there shouldn't be any surprise that I agree with the death penalty. I think we need to off a few more and get it done faster. As for euthanasia, that's someone's personal/religious choice that they have to make. I would never be involved with a patient who wanted me to help them do it though.
  2. I agree, contact a supervisor. Ask the patient if she wants to be taken to the ER by ambulance. If she says "yes," then explain to her you need to leave now. It's an emergent 911 service, so you can't wait on scene that long. Advise her, you would be more than happy to take her to the closest appropriate ER, but you're not passing up a hospital to take her to one an hour away. If the patient wants to go with you and the nurse is refusing you patient contact, then call PD.
  3. I'm trying to make the new year less stressful, so I'm going to start by getting rid of the source of most of my workplace woes. Anyone have any suggestions on how to off my partner and make it look like an accident? He's a total (even more than the normal paramedic) egomaniac. Since he acts like he's working out and drinking protein shakes whenever we're not running calls, I was thinking an interesting dumbell accident or maybe even something in one of his health drinks to make it look like a lethal allergic reaction to soy. Any suggestions? Worse comes to worse, I'll just run him over with the truck and say my foot slipped. "I swear, I don't know how it went into reverse after I hit him in drive. Damn Ford transmissions, they can be so touchy."
  4. I wish my partner would get moved...soon, very soon..
  5. Oh heck, now you did it. I will start posting those to my photo album on here today. He's already 1 year old! I can't believe how fast that went. I'm also newly single...woohoo
  6. Don't tell me that! According to the results of my personality test...my high anxiety and neurotic behavioral tendancies will mean I have to read ALL of the threads... :shock:
  7. I speak my mind...sometimes to my own detriment
  8. Man...I'm going to be up all night catching up...18,219 posts since my last visit...I might have to skip a few..
  9. Domain/Facet............ Score Extraversion...............7 Friendliness.............8 Gregariousness...........11 Assertiveness............6 Activity Level...........63 Excitement-Seeking.......14 Cheerfulness.............20 Agreeableness..............0 Trust....................3 Conscientiousness..........35 Self-Efficacy............2 Orderliness..............52 Dutifulness..............44 Achievement-Striving.....37 Self-Discipline..........33 Cautiousness.............59 Neuroticism................75 Anxiety..................68 Anger....................89 Depression...............51 Self-Consciousness.......82 Immoderation.............33 Vulnerability............71 Openess to experience.....0 Imagination..............1 Artistic Interests.......29 Emotionality.............31 Adventurousness..........2 Intellect................27 Liberalism...............6 Morality.................45 Altruism.................14 Cooperation..............1 Modesty..................30 Sympathy.................4 I already knew some of this about myself. Some of it is kind of extreme though. I don't see how I could do this job and enjoy it, if some of these extremes were true. I am having a bad though...wonder if that attitude reflects in my test taking.
  10. Dust, Tell the truth...you're just jealous that you didn't think of buying yourself a cute sundress and plasma with your credit card.
  11. It seems very possible the fire truck was driving too fast and might have been at fault. A perfect example to support emphasis on proper training and safety for operating an emergency vehicle-professional or volunteer. Even though it's fun to volunteer, people have to remember they must have due regard for others and although it's really exciting to run "lights and si-reens" to a call, you must do it safely. How is it going to benefit the people you're going to help if you don't make it to the scene and kill others in the process?
  12. Thanks for all the encouragement. Sorry for any confusion. I wasn't thinking when I posted. I guess my two BS degrees are worth something now...the state of Texas gives me a prettier patch to wear. They just use it as an excuse to charge an extra $30 for registration. That's funny...let's charge the more educated people more money. C'mon isn't it enough that I'm still paying back thousands in student loans? :roll:
  13. I passed NR Paramedic! Woohoo! Now all I have to do is take my credential test and my mega code for my service next week. Then I'll be able to wear my red patch!
  14. I just used one last night on an OD. They're great to use on unconcious pts. Or I have found it is very effective in getting "unconcious" pts who don't want to talk to you to wake up and start communicating. It's amazing how some pts become instantly responsive and alert before you even get the NPA in halfway.
  15. Hmmm...that's a hard one...duh, Tigger! I do have an ego sometimes and there are occasions where I think highly of myself.
  16. Study, study, study. If you're lucky enough to work on a truck with a good paramedic partner, ask questions about calls. If your partner has a cardiac call, ask him to show you the strips from the call. Utilize your job to learn and understand concepts rather than just memorizing information.
  17. Well it was just an accelerated program, but I would like to think my two B.S. degrees count for something. :wink: I do gots some edjukashun.
  18. That's all I dreamnt about. The only thing that pulled me through the hard days..."I can't wait to call myself Asys' colleague." The truth is out. I didn't want to become a paramedic to further my education or improve my patient care. I just wanted to impress Asys.
  19. My brain is so fried and I can think of a few things Dust might say...Maybe you should say it. The last thing I want to do is assume and answer the wrong question; subsequently, sticking my foot in my mouth or sharing information that I otherwise would not disclose. :shock:
  20. I officially passed my paramedic class on Friday. I was the only one who showed up to National Registry skills testing on Saturday to pass the first time through with no retests. Now the only thing that stands in my way is the computer test. It scares the crap out of me just thinking about it. Of course I'll still have to pass my service's written test and mega code to work as a paramedic, but one step at a time!
  21. So what was wrong with running BLS trucks with paramedic squads? It seems to work okay for Houston FD and it's the fourth largest city in the US. I'm sure it can work for a city of 70K. If the current EMTs were so interested, why haven't they been working towards getting their paramedic cert all along?
  22. I am working the second straight St. Patty's day in a row. I'm sure I'll have a story to add on Tuesday-unfortunately. :roll: But hey, that's why we stay in this profession, right-the cheap entertainment? It sure as heck isn't the pay!
  23. People like that should be sterilized, locked in a padded room, and have only key to the room melted. I feel sorry for the kids. They'll need therapy for years; and, hopefully they come to realize that their mom is a nut and it's not their fault.
  24. How random is that? If the cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, fattening foods, and job don't kill ya, the amoeba in the soil will!
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