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Everything posted by cidefex

  1. It is 2 am. You are dispatched to a MVC. Vehicle has rolled after hitting ditch. A sixteen year old male has hit the ditch and rolled his car at about 45 mph. There is only one pt and your scene is safe. The FD have the patient extracted upon arrival. You see there is lots of trash and debris in the car. Windshield is missing. No real deformity to steering wheel. Pt is A&O X4. Pt is c-spined and on a backboard. The only injury you see is a laceration above the pt's right eyebrow, that is easily controlled with some 4x4's. Patient states his head hurts and eyes are burning. But no pain anywhere else. Patient is very jittery and nervous. The patient tells you he was driving down the road and "just couldn't see the road anymore because it is so dark". He remembers hitting the ditch and just feeling the car "go wild". Patient denies any alcohol or drug usage. No medical history except for asthma. Has allergy to penicillin. Patient answers are very complete but sometimes weird. Pulse 130 BP 100/70 Resp 14 Pulse ox 98% on 15 L NRB. Monitor shows Sinus Tach. Trauma assessment is all normal. Pupils are equal and reactive but are very dilated. After you finish your vitals you see the patient start to fidget and talk about how stupid he is. He then repeatedly wipes his hands across his face as if he was trying to wake himself up. He starts getting more and more agitated as you prepare for transport. Then thrashes about and starts talking incoherently about death. What do you do?
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