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Everything posted by afib
gee let take a severly antiqued system and make it friggen obsolete....it was good in its time but this nonsense of hospital based medics....................say ahhhh buh bye! my .02 cents worth
i think i smell laziness, someone wants a cushy job without having to work for the title..........ahh ahhhhhh ahhhhhhhbul@!#$ excuse me i seems to have and allergy to bs! my .02 cents worth
brains doesnt dictate logic just cause it smells like a duck may look like a duck and quack like a duck that there cant be something else immatating it.......dig till ya cant dig no more......many of times i have question unrelentlessly and found that there be another version to it (one that did not want to be out) i cannot say as to what she did or did not ingest but all bases have to be covered. and why is it the little pains in the asses always change their damm story to the nurse from what they told you. god that burns my ass. my .02 cents worth
BAM !!! wish granted but now you have been hit by an anvil!! life isnt fair........... i wish for no wishes and have a normal sane life
well golly gee wilikers.....does this me that the family is going to sue now?????? vehicular manslaughter?????? gee they would it was anyother friggen human being
If you could change one thing about EMS what would it be?
afib replied to itku2er's topic in General EMS Discussion
ok yes this subject and similiar subjects got hacked to death a while back to the point of near violence, this will be death of us.......we need to get away from fire.............we all need to be fire.....................loose the attitudes.................more money.............national unity of one way to operate and treat........ok fine yea yeah yeah. look we cant bitch at each other that gets us nowhere. WE NEED TO LET THE POLITICIANS KNOW WE ARE TIRED BROKE PISSED UPSET AND SICK OF ALL THIS NONSENSE. unless one of you have a better realistic idea...........REALISTIC IDEA...ONE WITH REALITY THAT WILL WORK. no bitching amongs each other what will work that all parties will like......im not a politician i hate politics but they are the ones controlling things like insurance reimbursements and all that anyone have a purposal ???? -
blood of cuchulainn - boondock saints
ok lets not sugar coat this.............plain and simple what was done was STUPID plain and simple there is no arguing this......no debating it. they did not use proper judgement PERIOD! and actions need reactions....if nothing happends to them them they got lucky. maybe another time when the truck flips or someone gets hurt they will think about it....by then its too late. bad decision bad foresight poor judgement....stupid. terminate them. my .02 cents worth
O.M.G. that link rocks. definitly fits my motto!!! god i needed that laugh.........wow i feel better. time to kill people again.
ok 1. its calle a officers vehicle or a first responers vehicle 2. why does this behavior not surprise me. i used to live in nj and well this doesnt surprise me but, this i think will curb the behavior of stupidity. 3. what if the ambulance "caught a rut" and then tipped over or hit something, damage to the ambulance or worse. ONCE AGAIN BRAINS DOES NOT DICTATE LOGIC!!!!!!! 4. will the d.o.h. do anything....no, will the first grade council do anything, well if they were paid........no, and if they were volunteers... i doubt because of the brainless actions and lack of leadership and authority....yeah. will the township do anything, if they were smart yes. will the squad do anything, who knows. thank god i left that state.... cause all they seem to do is create chaos and havock and brag about their precious volunteer status. this is one state where i can say do not have a medical emergency!!@!! am i mean yes.... do i have reasons ...yes...do i have to say why......mmmmmmmmm nope my .02 cents worth
1 statement that i use once again applies..............BRAINS DOES NOT DICTATE LOGIC!
oiy k i ahve used the physio, and the mrx compliments of deathstar (medstar ft worth). the physio to me just seems to work better, the mrx just didnt do it for me i found my self saying "screw it" trying to get info inputed, the screen to me works better and just seems to be more "carry friendly" now thats not to say that ooooooooooh a 15 omg i have to have one..............NO! the 15 looks like a yuppy giddy version of a 12......so what ok not thrilled with the phillips the zoll left me lifeless lp 10 is a basic brick and the 11 is eh the 20 cute for the er the 12 just struck me can operate it with my eyes closed............wait where that come from????? lol seriously the 12 just works for me thats just me people have different views and tastes and likes. hey we are all not the same so hey to each their own. just hate the mrx is all. oh and no thats not a check....its ur wallet i picked from you LOL!!!!!!!!!
hate the mrx! period!
ok thats exactly what spen said, i was just hired by amr dallas and you have to take a "placement exam" its mostly basic stuff, how to "crack a o2 tank" and things of that nature. pretty simple.
long train a running - dooby brothers
would l;ove to be there but stuck here in the south. when is it going to be here??????????
rascal flatts - my wish
ooooooooooooh noooooooooo leave the bread bricks, and will leave flowers to each of the woman in chat!!!! cause im nice
modest mouse - flow on
i ran into an issue like this, one of my partners in NJ was a 4'10" bond female and when we shoed up on scene some people were like " you going to need help?" i smilesand said "hang out and watch" turned out to be a code and all hands on deck i got the revves and we did what we hd to assisting als. medics gathered their staff so we coul motivate to the ambulance ad some people hung around to assist one tried pushing my partner over. ok when you have 4'10" blong woman the last thing you do is push her out of the way cause now your just asking..............begging for a fight. she told him to get lost her and i lifed the pt secured and the stretcher and moved. carrying the stretcher outside down 5 steep jersy city type steps, no prob. what i learned is never reasd a woman like a book......you do not know whats inside. turned out she also knew a few martial arts and almost dropped a emt volly for being an idiot......in nj its a common thing. any way lets et past the sexisim of women they are able to do the job. much more now than say 10 years ago. i like my behind i just dont like a proctologist remoeing a foot surgically!!!
take the sheers i get to rip the snot out of someones clothes.......leaving one broken heart, and one ability to give a damm.
1. im an ex nj volly / paid emt, where were the damm medics in that video, once again they played john friggen wayne with people lives. 2. people are right a video wont help, the system is in so much need of revamping its retarted to even think that it can be fixed. first grade council needs to go bye bye, doh has to step up. emts need to be more accountable for their actions. medics need to stop being friggen primidonnas. the volunteer thing is great but it done cut the mayo. people think that there is nothing wrong with the system, its antiquated and broken. it doesnt save lives it endangers them. medics need to be doubled and the hospital based system is outdated, its all wrong and works agains all of nj. it needs to be revamped and quickly. just my .02 cents worth
system of a down - aerials
have no use for mom's too small boots, leaving one very good contition chapman stick! (is ya dont know what it is look it up)