Why do you feel its necessary to transport someone who just missed a meal? Alot of diabetics are negligent and if they sign the refusal after you gave them after care instructions then its on them, not you. I rarely transport diabetics unless they have another sign or symptom that is deemed unstable.
I just took/passed my NREMT-B this week, do you need to take a state test to get your state license or does it come as a "combo"? May be a dumb question but im unsure.
EXACTLY what I mean right there! Thanks Wendy, theres so many medics out there that think they are Gods its unreal. I respect EMT's of all levels because it takes a special person to do this but I find it hard to respect one who thinks they walk on water.
I think giving someone a reality check is good, but that was just kind of rude in alot of ways. Next time, try telling them to buckle down and study hard rather than "the basic course is below a high school level," etc. I am not trying to be rude myself I just know that can be interpreted wrongly.
Those of you who say people who have failed a basic exam is not cut out for it may need to open their eyes and realize they are not the "GENIUS" that their mommas have always told them. A good friend of mine was a 3rd year MED student who failed his basic because test anxiety and now is one of the best ER docs in Oklahoma City. Heck half the Paramedics fail their basic exam and now are extraordinary medics. Might want to watch what you say and try not to discourage the new up and coming basics.
We were told to get online and sign up, that of which I have done. I called the state office and they seemed to not know a single thing about it. But anyways I got it set up now thanks!
I havent gotten any straight forward answers in regards to where the computer based testing is taken place at.. Anyone who knows of a location between okc and tulsa please let me know.
I finish my EMT-B the first week of June. My question is do I need to wait to get my NR in order to apply for a service? I understand there is usually a month to two month academy and by the time that is over and done with ill be long registered.
I for one have to say that my experience with EMSA is awesome! The medics I rode with were VERY helpful and open to any questions I had and treated me like I was part of the crew and gave me resonsibilities that helped me learn so much more than using a dummy.
Thanks for the info guys. I've also been discussing brining in an EMT-I instructor for a small group of us if we can get one to do it. One of the local suburb fire depts did that not very long ago.
Mike Gauldin ~ KE5EHI
EMSA ~ Tulsa, OK
Oklahoma Weather Resource
Hey if this happens let me know because I would be very interested in doing this. I live in Edmond but would have no problem commuting to Tulsa a couple nights a week, even so I would like to get on EMSA in the Tulsa area upon graduating.
After completion of the EMT-B, how would you rate the difficulty in obtaining a Paramedic License after the BLS background knowledge you have already obtained?