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Everything posted by NoOnesAngel

  1. We have so paramedic in this area who is legally blind and he works regular shifts and is also an emt/paramedic instructor, he has to put his face reeeaaaallll close to get a iv and most of the time it's pretty messy and I've cleaned up after him once or twice...everyone is game do long as they can pass the NREMT ...that being said I really think everyone should start at the bottom and work their way up. Either way good luck! There is a few errors in that post...swype ruins everything..lol
  2. Work...enjoyed another rousing round of renal round up.

  3. It's a small world after all...lol

  4. Today is as good as any for new beginnings

  5. Hello, Sir! How have you been? =]

  6. We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.

  7. We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.

  8. We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.

  9. Saturday Nights Alright For Fighting - Elton John 8)
  10. Isn't Medicare considering using a grading scale on how hospitals and EMS get paid? They request patients grade their care...and in turn base how much you get paid on what kind of grade you receive? * That could be a complete fabrication but I do believe I recall that being tossed around the station and the hospital a month or two ago...
  11. Alright...lol...I love when this little email pops up in my inbox...and it states that there are more responses to this post... I question myself on the brilliance of starting this entire thread...i got a lot more than what I bargained for...every where from the idea of my holding a EMT cert scares some (To which I don't care my pts think i'm excellent and as long as I have them fooled... :twisted: lol...that is all that matters) ...to you need to get away from that company...to you need to go on to Paramedic asap... K...the post was basically to see if my call was poor judgement...I still think I was in the right...and I've fought it out with the medic that owns the place... In fact I had multiple patients for another KY MVA who wanted to go to West Virginia...at which point I refused to haul them there...it really doesn't matter to me where they go...the hospitals are 3 minutes from the 4 lane that runs between them...both are at the same level *Band aid stations* ...but regardless unless the KY ER isn't accepting pts...all the MVA pts will go there... As for the call that started it all...the trooper...went to his post got his paperwork and went into WVa and gave the citations to the driver... *amazed* It all works out in the end... Y'all have a good one lol
  12. First...My partner and she has been my partner on the truck for over a year and a half...has never had her medic..in fact she just recently got her cert as a FR . *GASP* -Evil CPR drivers - So...no medic was being lazy. As far as the protocols I listed...they were just examples...
  13. okay...and here we go again I'm going to look the ignorant little EMT yet again...trust me I'm use to it at this point...but i'll continue on...I know this isn't going to be pretty... MedicTroll you say it scares you that I hold an EMT card...our state has protocols...I work in KY so if you please you can look them up call KBEMS whatever you wish...I also work in WVA they have protocols...my service has duel CONs...and therefore I've never had a problem before transporting pts over the stateline... Now as far as protocols go and so forth...in EMT class I was taught how to transport all sorts of things...how to do all kinds of things...in our state guidelines...I too am allowed to do these things...but when it comes to the verbal instructions given to me and my fellow employees I AM NOT ALLOWED to do these things...and this all gets very confusing and frustrating...I am not to give epi...i'm not transport a pt with an iv none whatsoever ....i'm not to admin albuterol...even though it's clearly stated in WVA protocols that med comm is to be called and it's to be administered....but the service constantly asks us to butt heads with what is clearly written out by the states...so we are in a constant state of do i or do i not and more often then not we do what we aren't suppose to because of whatever reason the service has...and we get exactly what I got...a very public very loud verbal reprimand...I've been doing this for two years....I'm about to be fired for butting heads and if i don't get fired i'm quitting...and I'm hoping it will be different at another service.
  14. "No Air" Jordin Sparks
  15. To clarify I was in college before I started my EMT-B course...I have A&P1 and 2, I have psych as far as it would go at the Comm & Tech college I attended, I have sociology and I have college algebra, I lack my microbiology...and a few other classes...because I was up for the RN program...but dropped out after recieving my EMT-B because it's what I thought I wanted to do. I also am not a "driver" I am not allowed to drive. I work the back and live in the back I am not allowed behind the wheel of an ambulance even if my partner is a medic. It's a small company with hundreds of flaws. I'm wary of the surrounding services...I know I lack what I should have already aquired in two years of being an active EMT-B. It is my own fault, but I do as I am told, and I recieve a paycheck for it...which let's faceI need...the bills don't pay themselves. As far as telling my employer to ram the job some place not nice....that will insure I do not get a job at any of the other services. I have been with this company for two years and I have never called in...he will not be pleased with my decision to move on...and I dread it. You can not even suggest any constructive criticism without it being a week of punishment (being overlooked for dispatch to any calls other than BLS transports). It's possible that even if I do give a two weeks...I will still not get a job...that's how they work all of the owners/operators around here...stay on the phone everyday discussing who has decided to leave...it's a game to them... I do appreciate all of your input. Thank you.
  16. I have considered aquiring my medic, but at this point in time I don't really feel that I am quite ready enough to become a medic. I know that sounds silly and everything but I want a little more field time before I take that step. I love my job, I just guess I'm getting fed up not knowing exactly what I can or can not do. It'll get better. Always look to the bright side of things.
  17. The only reason my boss is in charge is because he owns the place...he got a medic card but is no medic and has in fact ran calls with basics only to put them in the back simply because he can....he is owner/operator/STO/head medic/blah/blah...I'm personally tired of the entire company...it's almost a shame....i love my coworkers...but I believe I have found another job...I don't know if I will make it there or if I will be right back to my old company within a month...but I'm gong to give it a try.
  18. That particular day I was told that all patient's in a MVC needed to be boarded who choose to be transported...and I started to argue with this and just go about my business. The patient complained of neck n back pain so I went ahead and boarded her...It may have been wrong and it may have been silly but I never use to board every pt. It was just right there at the front of a long list of you have to's and don'ts. I still won't...and i'm currently looking at other options for employment. As far as written guidelines for transport...I have never seen any...but the majority of our "guidelines" are verbal reprimands...which are made clear to you and every one else in the middle of the station or on the radio.
  19. Sadly enough...I've caught hell for this...and I do believe I am currently being punished with an excess of BLS transports and not even being considered for any emergencies...but I believe it's the patients choice...I can not take them somewhere they do not want to go...and personally I wouldn't want to go to the KY hospital either...but thats my opinion. :roll: It was later revealed that the pt was driving on a suspended DL for DUI and blah blah...and the officer was ticked...I guess he felt I should of left her there??? but then I wouldn't of been doing my job...regardless of how poorly I do it...lol
  20. "Never Too Late" - Three Days Grace
  21. I would like to see it go from pilot program to statewide option, but I don't believe it will. There's been talk about allowing EMT-I for years. There's no demand for it especially on the eastern side of Kentucky, the majority of the services are private owned and what do they need EMT-Is for...when they already have their handful of medics and two handfuls of EMT-Bs to do what they need. The higher certification will not change a thing...pay or otherwise. The best thing to do in the Bluegrass state is to just go ahead and get your medic.
  22. So...I'm fairly sure I was in the right but I could be totally wrong... I was enroute to p/u a pt for transport to their residence when enroute we stumbled upon a MVC. No big deal...except it was pouring the rain...and I hate getting wet. It was nothing major, a car side swiped another. Nothing serious...no serious injuries...in the beginning the Mom just wanted the daughter to go for eval...so we packaged the girl simply because she was on the side that was hit. And as I was crawling into the back the Mom decides to go, as well as her friend, whom was in the passenger side. So I called for another ambulance to transpot the 3rd pt. Now this happened right on the state line of WVA n KY, of which I am certified in both states...and there are two hospitals equal distance from where this happened of about 3 mins either way... So the mom stated she wanted to go to the WVA hospital. Technically the accident happened in Ky...no big deal...alot of people want to go to the WVa hospital...so we mark enroute to this hospital...at which point my boss gets on the radio...and asks if we informed LEO on scene...to which my partner responded that she had and that he had nodded his head. We transport no problem and our boss transports the third pt to the same hospital...across the border. I get my PCR done and we leave...our other transport was cancelled. As we pull into the station our boss gets on the radio and starts screaming about how pissed off the LEO was because we had taken the pt to the WVa hospital and that we screwed up and that we were to NEVER take another pt to the WVa hospital if they were involved in a MVA. Now...one...I hate to be berated like that...especially in public...and I know everyone in scanner land was enjoying the hell out of that...and then on top of that...all of our other trucks heard it along with their pts. and two...isn't it the patients choice? Both facilities are equally close...and the pts were all from WVa....Does anyone have ne insight into this?
  23. The company I run with, all of our drivers are FRs or just CPR certified. Someone has to drive, they don't have delusions, they know they don't belong in the back of the truck. Yet, are willing to give a hand if you need it. I, personally, think it works out just fine. Especially considering at this current point in time, we're running a little low on Medics and Basics...
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