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Everything posted by altemt328

  1. That's what I believe it to be?!? Am I wrong?!?
  2. Maybe I've missed it....maybe it isn't the best way....but does anyone in here have like a secret fling going on and feels that this helps to relieve stress?
  3. I know that this might be the sort of thing that should be under the instructor catagory....but....I'm looking for help....I've read through some of the comments on this board.....but one that I wasn't seeing listed a lot was excersize, eat right, etc......I'm attempting to put together a con-ed class on this sort of thing.....on how to deal with stress and all.....what are some of the ways that you know of to deal with it....how would someone recommend starting these ideas if they are new to it and maybe afraid of feeling like a "dork" or whatever.....any ideas....please help!!!
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