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Everything posted by hatelilpeepees

  1. You definitely should change shifts.
  2. No, not at all, all though that would be nice. What I am saying is that once you allow choices that are based on an individual's preferences to affect an entire group of EMPLOYED people, you are going down a slippery slope. In the hobby lobby case, I am aware that hobby lobby considers four of the choices to be "an abortion", but the last time I checked, abortion is legal in the US. What if the owner of my ambulance service is a Muslim, and he/she mandates that we must stop and pray to the east several times per shift, and that I must wear a berka ? Put your hatred for me aside and see the absurdity that this interpretation of the law can produce. Our country was founded on the principle of protecting the few from a monarchy decision.
  3. So if I am a small, family owned, ambulance service and I refuse to hire muslims, jews, homosexuals, women, african-americans, or any other group because of my religous beliefs, you are fine with that ?
  4. The supreme court has ruled that hobby lobby and other corportations do not have to pay for birth control, but it is fine for those same companies to pay for Viagra. Is that fair to you ?????
  5. Content deleted by Dwayne. It was simply a rant about being unfairly censored by the 'thought police' and made no attempt to participate in the thread. Consider yourself policed. For the record, I have no idea who deleted Flaming's previous posts.
  6. I would lean towards TIA, but as others have said, since you lead with that in the title, I am guessing that is not the case. My second guess would be psychological since he has fairly normal vital signs. Third guess would be medication reaction (allergy meds). Fourth would be that he is taking something for his stress that you were not told about (legal med, illegal something, or alcohol). Fifth I would retest the glucose from the other hand and make sure that reading was correct. Lastly I would consider a seizure disorder, but I do not recall you stating that any activity was witnessed or if the patient was incontinent.
  7. Typical male answers, as you ignore the blatent discrimination by so many employers. These lifting test are nothing but a way to keep women out of EMS. I will bet anyone 1000 dollars that if we went to this employer and dragged employees from the field that have been there 10 years (male or female), half of them could not pass this test, and I guarantee you 100% of the male managers could not pass it.
  8. Why didnt you do an emergency c-section ruff ? To the OP, your memory is a good sign that you care, when stuff like that does not bother you anymore it is time to get out of the job. Kind of reminds me of a famous Alan Alda quote from MASH:Rule #1 in war: Young men die. Rule #2 in war: Doctors can not change rule # 1.Remember that you did not cause her to die, you did your best to reverse a bad situation, and many times you can't.
  9. It is more prevalent in the "hood" hospitals, but most have a hand-held wand that security can use, a few have roll/walk through metal detectors like you see at the airport.
  10. Yes croaker, EMTs/medics work in all kinds of non-ambulance roles: Sports Medicine, Urgent Cares, ERs, Nursing Homes, Private Sitters, Draw Labs and do EKGs for health/life insurance providers, prisons, fixed wing air medical, factory safety officers, so this is not out of the realm of possiblity.
  11. Because most hospitals I transport to "wand" the patient at the ER door, is it possible that one slipped through, sure it is, but never had one in my face, never had a nurse call back and say hey we found a gun in your patients pants, never had one fall out of the patient's pants. Obviously, I have asked cops to pat down patients several times before transporting.
  12. Hmmmmm, lets do some math: a particular brand of toaster injures 63 people/day a particular vehicle tire explodes causing 63 injuries/day a toy manufacture sells 63 led-tainted toys/day a chicken meat processor causes 63 food borne illnesses/day an electrical cord manufacturer causes 63 house fires/day What would we do ?
  13. 1. The way my 401k looks right now, I can not lie and say I would not be tempted. 2. I would have to figure up my remaining year's earning potential as a baseline, in case I lost my license being caught up in his shananigans, and then multiply that by some ridiculous factor. I have been poor to middle class most of my life, I wouldnt mind a taste of the good life. 3. I imagine there would be some confidentially cause as part of our working contract, so no, as long as we are talking about an adult and not a child star.
  14. First of all, if he is a convicted felon, he probably will not get hired at a convenience store, Second of all, if he is a convicted felon he would know it would be a probation violation and I imagine he would decline. I never read in here, exactly where the patient is (Home, business, side of road), so that would be helpful info. Could always lock it away in his vehicle if he has one. So where is this patient ???????
  15. No, I do not pat down patients, so it is possible for someone to sneak a gun on board, although it has never happened. In my area, PD always responds to any person unconscious call, so I do not have to wait 15 minutes. If the patient is at home, I would leave it there, if he is at a business I would leave it with law enforcement or the business owner, but I would get them to sign for it and show me some ID. If I did not find it until enroute, I would move it to a compartment and then turn over to hospital security. 2000 was the closest I could find on injuries alone, there are more current studies but many do not separate death from injury, or do not separate homicide, suicide, and accidental. P.S. We have not even broached the whole flea/tick issue. You assume that this blind patient keeps this dog spotlessly clean, there is equal chance that they do not.
  16. I am stating that they are qualified, as they do it every day, but that would not be my choice of who to vent to since they would not understand my job. The point is that people are saying that CISD is a bad thing because some pointey headed psychiatrists felt encroached upon and began to dis the practice. Kind of like physicians not wanting medics to do sutures.I am well aware that most religous leaders are degreed professionals, but they are not at the level of someone who has a Masters in psychotherapy. Just saying, if the religous folks can do it without causing harm (by just giving empathy, as a medic would), then I see no reason to stop a practice that has worked for years.
  17. I respectfully disagree Dwayne, how can the local catholic priest (or any other religous leader)know what it is like in our world. They may visit the sick and injured in the hospital, after the patient is all cleaned up and put back together, but how many have put the body of a burned child in a body bag. I would much rather have one of my coworkers talk to me first, rather than hear "just trust in jesus (or other diety) and all will be OK". If that did not resolve the problem I would see a professional counselor.Do you really believe that a pastor would be better at helping me than Ruff, you, or AK ???????
  18. There were 52,447 deliberate and 23,237 accidental non-fatal gunshot injuries in the United States during 2000.[4] 63 injuries per day does not speak well for the "experts" who shoot themselves. http://en.wikipedia....e_United_StatesP.S. that is just injuries, not deaths.
  19. Then what would you say about people who go to their religous leader for advice, as I imagine far more people see their pastor before they see a psychiatrists. These religous leaders are not mental health "PROFESSIONALS", but they counsel far more than the mental health community.
  20. I would call a meeting with your supervisor and the two of you, and have a log of the past month's activity. I do not think you can gripe about family coming to the station unless your policies state that it is a no-no. I had a partner like this one time, but he went the extra mile and fed me as well at his home. I got a free meal out of it, so I did not gripe. Maybe you can suggest that the visits to ball games be cut in half or something (you can always opt to sit in the truck until the games are over). If you can not come to sensible solution, ask for a transfer.
  21. And do you honestly believe that there is anything she can do in the next few weeks to be able to double her arm strength, it is time for another job, it is obvious this one wants penises only.
  22. Its a joke
  23. Try cleavage, works every time !!!
  24. I wonder how so many "experts" end up accidentally shooting themselves, family members and friends when they have handled their gun many times. Should I allow someones illegal cocaine in my bus as well because it is their property, how about their kiddie porn videos ? I would give the gun to someone and have them sign for it, not putting it in my ambulance, if it gets lost so be it. If you are dispatched to person down with gun in hand, are you going in or staging for PD ? If it is unsafe enough to keep you off-scene it is not safe in your ambulance.
  25. Nice siff, when you cant argue facts, attack the person, that is so 3rd grade.
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