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Everything posted by flamingemt2011

  1. Because most of you heterosexuals like to procreate and then abandon your wife and kid, leaving the child to be raised by no one (because the mom is at work all the time), you have to protect children from these influences. Violent songs create violent actions, especially in the young.
  2. I can not believe you guys are kissing butt over a 30 minute dissertation on light molecules. The manufacturer suggests that the fluid be maintained around 77 degrees, and states that short periods of temperatures above 104 do not damage the fluid. There, I gave you 28 more minutes to do something constructive: http://www.rxlist.com/normal_saline-drug/indications-dosage.htm
  3. R E S P I R A T O R Y
  4. my point ? People are humming this song and have no idea what the words are. It is a horrible song, and it should be banned or forced to have a warning label. Inciting people to violence, especially kids is the last thing we need. I am not a bible thumper, but a catchy tune that has a bad message is not a good thing for impressionable youth is not a good thing.
  5. This is a very catchy tune, but do you know what the lyrics are ? Lyrics to Run Run Run Faster Than My Bullet (Pumped up Kicks) by Foster the People are as follows: [Verse 1] Robert's got a quick hand He'll look around the room He won't tell you his plan He's got a rolled cigarette Hanging out his mouth he's a cowboy kid Yeah, he found a 6-shooter gun In his dad's closet Hidden in a box of fun things And I don't even know what But he's coming for you Yeah, he's coming for you [Hook] All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You better run, better run, outrun my gun All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You better run, better run, faster than my bullet [Verse 2] Daddy works a long day He be coming home late Yeah, he's coming home late And he's bringing me a surprise Cause dinner's in the kitchen And it's packed in ice I've waited for a long time Yeah, the slight of my hand Is now a quick pull trigger I reason with my cigarette And say your hair's on fire.
  6. The fact that he threatened suicide in front of several people should have been enough to hold him and get him admitted to a psych facility for at least 72 hours in my state, not sure about your's.
  7. Systemet, it is called experience. And I have not misdiagnosed one that I can think of in 2011, so I am batting closer to 100%, but will only claim 99% for now (in case I remember one later). I can also tell you the patient's B/P within a few points of margin just by feeling the radial pulse.
  8. I would not carry someone out on a kitchen chair, you never know how sturdy the chair will be, and most chairs were not manufactured to carry people, many times the spindles are just glued in. Don't be lazy, fetch the stretcher or stairchair and keep your patient safe.
  9. http://www.vhpharmsci.com/PDTM/Monographs/amiodarone.htm I would never use normal saline.
  10. "Facility" can mean alot of different things. I have a hospital within 30 miles of my house that has a 3 bed ER, with no OR or ICU. Lab and xray techs have to be called in from home after 5pm. Since the patient is still cyanotic, and is being transferred out, it is apparant that they do not have the capabilities to fix this problem. It is also fairly apparent to me that a Paramedic, will probably not be able to fix his problem either, although having ALS there when he arrests might allow for ROSC, but I doubt it would be much more likely than a BLS crew with an AED. He needs rapid intervention, the sooner you get him to that intervention, the greater his chances are for survival. If the attending doctor could have fixed it he would, and in a perfect world they would use a helicopter for transport. If the patient was at home and called 911, would you wait 20 minutes for ALS, or load and go ?
  11. Just saying ....................... http://totallylookslike.icanhascheezburger.com/2011/12/09/grinch-totally-looks-like-michelle-obama/
  12. Unless the ALS unit is very close by, I would suggest that you not delay transport. Whatever this patient's problem is needs immediate intervention that is obviously not available where he is. Every minute the patient remains at this facility is another minute he is closer to death. Would I prefer ALS, certainly ! Would I refuse to transport and wait 15-20 minutes on an ALS unit, NO.
  13. I would not feel comfortable administering TNK without a 12 lead, but yes I can diagnose an MI without an ECG. To counter your argument, you have a 60 year old male with a hx of 2 MIs, complaining of crushing chest pain, 10 out of 10, with radiation to left arm, who is also hypertensive. Your monitor dies, are you going to withhold NTG and MS ?
  14. Yes you can turn off any accent with training, many actors/actresses and business professionals work to have their accent removed, especially those with thick southern accents, as the rest of the world stereo-types that accent with being less intelligent.
  15. Wendy I agree with you whole heartedly, and I must agree that in many systems orientation consists of "theres your truck, and you have a call holding". I am speaking specifically to new medics with little experience. You have to walk before you crawl, but rookies tend to lean on the machines too much. I agree, as you progress and fine tune your assessment skills, you may jump to the fancy machines quicker, or as a first tool. I imagine when you learned to drive your parents started you off in a parking lot, or a road that had little traffic, they did not dump you out on an interstate at rush-hour on day 1. And yes, there are too many oldfarts in this industry who are incompetent and lazy.
  16. Promises Promises !!!!! But shame on you for justifying that you can be cured of GAYDOMEAnd how do you think the term Gaydar came about ? Why do so many people think Travolta, Gear, and cruise are gay when they show no "gayness". I just might be one of those that lights up the gaydar like them.
  17. Negative Ghostrider: To go a littel more in depth, I hope that you have some kind of orientation/training plan for rookies, who have not had much patient contact. I would hope that means you are assigned to a competent veteran, who was around before we had all of these machines (yes most of this technology was not around until the late 80s-90's, or was around but was too expensive for EMS to use). If you were my partner, I would teach you to assess without machines first, by that I mean your initial exam should be about surveying the scene, eyeballing the patient from a distance (can not tell you how many times I have walked in and spotted a critical patient from across the room, while a rookie was asking history questions, and had not realized the patient was in dire straits). Simple vital signs, head to toe assessment, and having a good idea of what is probably wrong before you attach a machine. Then I let you play with the machines and confirm or rule-out what you think you have. I am not saying I would not let you touch the machine for 6 months, I am saying we just do basics first in the early minutes of the call.
  18. I doubt you would pick it up as an adult, I think it needs to be more in your formative years. Bust as far as you Captain you probably do have a mix of all, my current EMT partner was raised in Tennessee but lived up north for many years, and he definitely has a little bit of both, southerners hear the yankee, yankees hear his southern.
  19. I did not bring it, Dwayne did, so yell at him, I am just responding to his question. Captain, I do not want to hijack this thread, but I will answer your question. Let's look at female history in the US: During our founding days, indian (reservation not convenience store indians) and black women were often enslaved and raped, even Thomas Jefferson owned a few. Women were second class to men and did not get the right to vote until the last century. Women were finally allowed the right to work in a profession other than maid, teacher, or seamstress during WW2. It was not until the late 20th century that women were allowed to fully do "MAN" jobs (when did the first women show up in Fire and EMS). Then once they were allowed to do MAN jobs, even to this day, they do not have equality in pay (generally, EMS may be different). In this current enlightened period of history, women are still abused physically and mentally everyday, most end up divorced raising a sorry ass man's kids by herself. For those who like statistics 4.8 million women are abused every year by people they are in relationships with, over 600/day are raped. Yes, we are so much better than Afghanistan.
  20. In answer to your diabetic question, yes, I would agree with that and the cardiac monitor, and any other piece of equipment. I see too many rookies who do not know how to assess, BECAUSE your only experience is from the text book, and you blindly trust the machines. All this technology is great, but you can't base your treatment solely on what the machines tell you. The machines should justify your treatment, not direct your treatment, EXAMPLES: IDDM patient,unconscious, acetone breath, D-stick says 99 ? 21 year old, monitor shows VTach, but the patient has stable vital signs and no cardiac symptoms. Trauam Patient very pale, diaphortic, and tachycardic but machine say B/P is 140/90. Patient has been hogtied by PD and left in the prone position for 30 minutes, patient is hyperventilating, pulse ox says 100% (read positional asphyxia - death by EMS on merginet) I am not opposed to machines, but you have to be able to know when the machines are wrong.
  21. Pentacostal women are forced to wear a skirt, Baptist are not supposed to dance or drink alcohol, Jews have to eat kosher, Catholics eat fish on friday, and many religions order you to abstain from food during Lent. All religions have their rules. The point is, this is her CHOICE !!!! It is her religion and it does not infringe your rights in any way. You may not understand or like her religion, but I imagine she feels the same way about yours. And for the record, American women are the most abused group of women on the planet. Think about it.P.S. Homosexualtiy is part of teenage passage for boys in India, but I imagine the Muslim religion does not approve, just like the Protestant religion, that seems to have so many closet homosexual preachers that get outed.
  22. Yes, your accent is formed by who you associate with. In the south US you have the southern drawal, in Boston you got the BAAAAAAAsTon accent, in New York you got the "Yo" accent (and the new york alphabet: fu**in A, fu**in B, fu**in C), the midwest has its mennisoooooota accent. So, I have a gay accent because of who I associate with.
  23. Dwayne, I promise you that it was on the application but that was a long time ago. And to the others, yes I lied to get hired, it was the highest paying department in the State at the time. I doubt it is still on their application, and no I do not work there anymore. But it does not matter, any company could put it on their application as gays have no protection under the constitution or labor laws, we are only protected if the employer chooses to have policies against discrimination due to sexual preference. I do not act flaming although I guess I do have a gay accent which might lead you to believe I might be effemenant.
  24. You should not be allowed to use a pulse-oximeter until you have run at least 100 respiratory calls, and have assessed all of those properly with just your ears, eyes, and brain. You should be able to approximate a pulse-ox reading without using it, then use the pulse-ox to prove your estimation. You will be a far better clinician if you follow that advice.
  25. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Charter_of_Rights_and_Freedoms It appears to me that you are infringing on this woman's religious rights. She is a believer in one of the largest religions in the world, and it is known that they are required to wear a mask in public. You may disagree with it, but all religions have something that you don't agree with. Do you think people should handle snakes or talk in tongues ? I can not speak for Canada, but just because your founders set-up your country in a particular way hundreds of years ago does not make it RIGHT ! The founders of the US thought slavery and not allowing women to vote was a good thing. And many white rednecks were enraged when blacks demanded that things be changed almost 200 years after our founding. Muslims are just asserting their rights, and you should honor those rights. This woman covering her face does not harm you in any way.
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