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Everything posted by flamingemt2011

  1. Great video ! I used to judge the homeless, but in this economy you can't do that anymore, many of the homeless are there from foreclosure, not from drugs/alcohol. But no, I never give money to the ones standing on the street corner with the "will work for food sign" as you can tell by their appearance that they are not truly homeless (clean face/hands, hair neatly trimmed, good shoes on, and not emmaciated).
  2. Dwayne I love you but you have no idea what you are talking about, which is no surprise as a white straight male, walk a mile in my GUCCI moccasins, then you can preach to me about when and why I am discriminated against. 1. My second employer openly asked in their 20 page application if you were gay or bi, guess what happened if you answered yes ? 2. You should see the icey stare I get from every dad when I have to transport a young male child, you can just hear it circling in their brains "you better not touch his pp"). Like being a gay man makes you a pedophile. 3. I do not "makeout" with my man in public, but like I said before, if we just sit on the same side of the booth or hold hands we get the stares from other people in the area. 4. When I am at the fire station and I call my man to tell him good night and that I miss him, you should see how quickly everyone leaves the room. They don't do that when their girlfriends call. There is all kinds of porn, something for everyone, but it is mostly for a male audience, which is why you see 2 females alot, because it is every straight man's fantasy to have 2 women at the same time. What you guys don't know is that when it does happen, the women are usually more into each other, and not you. Which is not to say that women do not watch porn, but statistically women use "romance" novels and movies as their porn.
  3. Croaker, that was a sorry excuse for "research", here is the whole text of the study: Can correct closed-chest compressions be performed during prehospital transport? Stone CK, Thomas SH. SourceDepartment of Emergency Medicine, East Carolina University School of Medicine, Greenville, North Carolina, USA. Abstract INTRODUCTION: The resuscitation rate from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is low. There are many factors to be considered as contributing to this phenomenon. One factor not previously considered is the impact of a moving ambulance environment on the ability to perform closed-chest compressions. HYPOTHESIS: Proper closed-chest compressions can be performed in a moving ambulance. METHODS: A cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training mannequin with an attached skill meter (Skillmeter ResusciAnnie, Laerdal, Armonk, N.Y., USA) that measures each chest compression for proper depth and hand placement was used. Ten emergency medical technician-basic (EMT- certified prehospital providers were assigned into one of five teams. Each team performed a total of four sessions of five minutes of continuous closed-chest compressions on the mannequin. Two sessions were done by each team: one in the control environment with the mannequin placed on the floor, and the other in the experimental environment with the mannequin placed in the back of a moving ambulance. The ambulance was operated without warning lights and siren, and all traffic rules were obeyed. The percentage of correct closed-chest compressions was recorded for each session, and the mean values were compared using Student's t-test with alpha set at 0.01 for statistical significance. RESULTS: Ten sessions of compressions were done in both environments. The mean percentage of correct compressions was 77.6 +/- 15.6 for the control group and 45.6 +/- 18.3 for the ambulance group (p = 0.0005). CONCLUSION: A moving ambulance environment appears to impair the ability to perform closed-chest compressions. PMID:10155415[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Point# 1. The so called study used 10 EMT-Bs --- "10" not 1,000. There is no mention of the speed of the vehicle, type of vehicle, type of driving (heavy traffic, empty parking lot, dirt road). Point# 2. With only 10 participants how do we know that CPR was performed poorly on purpose ? Point# 3. Using your logic, I assume you never start IVs in the back of a moving ambulance, cause I can assure you I can find 10 EMTBs who will not be able to do it.
  4. My point would be that hooters is as close to a strip club as you can be, but it is quite legal and has no opposition, because it is normal to see half naked women. Flip it around and open a restaurant called "Dicks" where you only have men waiters who are dressed only in a bow-tie and a thong (and you have to make sure that all the waiters are well-endowed), and see how many backward municipalities will approve that license ? Maybe in San Francisco, Atlanta, Miami, or New York, but that's about it.
  5. When you are the oppressing race/or sex that discriminates against the others, you tend to get a backlash when those persons are freed: 1. During the civil rights movement, some blacks were peaceful, some were not -- The black panther party was formed, their were riots, and even MLK's peaceful protests were met with disdain by the whites in those communities. 2. When women went for equal rights, they protested, and burned their bras in public, which infuriated men (how dare she even speak a thought without my permission). 3. The Arab Spring has been incredibly violent. 4.. As gays are allowed to be out of the closet a little more, some will do things to purposefully push your buttons in public. That's the price you pay for trying to oppress someone else. Captain kickass, you might as well have asked why cant we have a "white" NACCP, united negro college fund, African american history month ? My parade does nothing to harm you or your marriage, but we know what the real problem is when straights get offended ............ it is because you have to confront your own homosexuality that is inside you, and you don't like to have those thoughts.
  6. Well if that is true mike, then we should never transport pediatric codes either, as the risk is the same, but something tells me you probably do not call too many pediatric codes on the scene.
  7. Cpht is right, all studies say these pills do not work, but I wonder how enzyte and others have stayed around if they are scams, or could it be that big pharma did studies to discredit it. Cpht, so if u took a Viagra a day is it possible to stretch mr. Happy over time?
  8. If the police don't enforce indecent exposure laws in your town take it with them, but it is a parade and people dress up for parades. I can assure u straights wear worse, have u seen a teen that is not wearing his baggy jeans below his ass cheeks.
  9. I never left, the "thought police" in this room would not let me post without their review of every word so I quit posting until that silliness was over, I know u missed me. Love u
  10. This forum is about EMS/EMT/Paramedics and a whole host of other issues, many EMTs and Medics are firefighters too, so it is relevant.
  11. "If they can invent better ways to kill each other, why can't they invent a way to end this stupid war??!" My favorite potter line/scene.
  12. ?????????? you lost me Captain !!! The fact that we cannot do the things listed above (and many more)shows that we are not created equal. And do not forget that in most religions we are already vanquished to hell just because of who we are. Try living with that all of your life, I doubt you know what it feels like to not be able to walk in public and sense the disdain from everyone who is staring at you (and no, I am not talking about being flaming in public, I am talking about just being able to go to McDonalds and sit on the same side of the booth with my lover).
  13. Now trying to sound like a jerk, but how is "transporting" a patient going to harm them, they are already dead ? How do you make them more dead ? It is management's job to consider wasting time, $$$, and resources, it should never be the field medic's concern. It is our job to treat the patients, and to consider any of the above in your treatment/transport decision is negligence on our part. My question would be, why would you transport ANY patient emergently, other than someone who has an internal bleed and needs immediate surgical intervention ?
  14. I scrambled to the urinal, as I listened to what was the matter
  15. The purpose in gay pride parades is to show our pride as we were forced to be in the closet (and still are in many situations)for so many years. In the straight world, gay people are the exception not the rule, so by showing up in numbers at a particular event shows our strength and educates the straight public that we are not monsters, or the small percentage of the population thinks we are. It is also a march for our rights, it is a shame that in this day and time, we still cannot: 1. Get legally married. 2. Adopt children 3. Show affection in public 4. Enjoy the spousal rights that heterosexual couples (even ones that are not married) enjoy. Say this sentence to yourself, "Gays should not be allowed to _______________________________ "(insert whatever you believe) then turn around and replace the word "Gays" with men, women, blacks, hispanics, or jews and see how it changes your belief.
  16. That would be a "Randy Rescue", you know, the rookie that is so gung ho that he has the belt that has 20 EMS things attached, and more red lights on his personal vehicle than you do on your ambulance. That guy
  17. Well at least they reported their mistake instead of burying it.
  18. OK, lets make it fair to everyone ! I will add to this discussion, that you MIGHT BE TRAILER PARK TRASH IF ................., AND YOU MIGHT BE A SIREN QUEER IF .................. Trailer: If your wife has a mullet If the rims on your home are nicer than the rims on your car Siren Queer: If you have a star of life tatoo anywhere on your body
  19. So did we make any headway on the HIPAA issue ??????????
  20. Ghetto refers to an economic condition, not a race of people, so no racism intended or infered. You Might Be Ghetto If: 1) The only art you own is your fingernails. 2) Turning up the heat means turning on another burner on your stove. 3) You have trouble spelling your children's names, and you named them.
  21. You can always stick an ETT in their anus, and push any med you need. If you are conscious enough to refuse a SL stick, you probably do not need an IV. But if your IV success ratio is less than 95%, it is more about you than it is the lack of veins.And if you have vein big enough to "mainline" in, then you should be able to get a 20 or 22ga IV catheter in it as well.
  22. Too broad a question to answer with any specificity: You have poor county services that have poor pay and/or benefits and are on the verge of being privatized. You have county services that have great pay and benefits and are very secure. You have privates that are fly-by-night and are near bankruptsy, and you have privates that are CAAS accredited and have excellent pay and benefits. You have privates who do 911, you have privates that are exclusively non-emergent transport. You have county servcies that just do 911, you have some that do a mix. You have privates that are mom and pops, then you have some that are major corporations. You will have to investigate your area and compare.
  23. There is an exemption for helipad use, as long as none of that facility's staff comes out to provide care during the transfer from ambulance to helicopter. Where it becomes gray is when a helicopter is forced to land at a hospital helipad due to weather or mechanical problem, and patient care is delayed while awaiting ground transport. That is not specifically addressed.
  24. Never said any required ambulance transport, just pointing out that they are a patient. And you are quite wrong about signs and symptoms, I have treated many patients in the field and ER that presented with very benign symptoms, or weird symptoms that did not match the text book. But since I have ruined you guys bitchfest, I will not respond to this thread anymore, please go ahead and complain about the patients who pay your salary. Kind of ironic DOC, only patient bitching allowed ????
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